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With their hands.

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Indus Valley bricks were made by mixing clay with water to form a paste, then molding the paste into brick shapes and leaving them to dry in the sun. Once dried, the bricks were fired in a kiln to harden and strengthen them for use in construction.

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Q: How were the indus valley bricks made?
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Who discovered bricks?

The first known bricks were discovered in Jericho, around 7500 BCE by archaeologists. Bricks have been used in various ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. The process of brick-making evolved over time, leading to the development of modern bricks as we know them today.

When did people start building with brick?

People started building with brick over 5000 years ago in ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. Bricks were initially made by sun drying mud or clay, and the process evolved to firing them in kilns for increased durability.

How old are the Indus valley seals?

The Indus Valley seals date back to around 2500-1900 BCE, making them approximately 4,000-4,500 years old. These seals are artifacts from the ancient Indus Valley civilization, known for their intricate designs and script.

Why are indus valley seals important?

Indus Valley seals are important because they provide insights into the ancient civilization's social structure, trade networks, and cultural practices. The inscriptions on the seals help archaeologists decipher the language of the Indus Valley people, although it remains largely undeciphered. These seals also serve as evidence of the sophistication and administrative prowess of the Indus Valley civilization.

Why were the indus valley seals important?

The Indus Valley seals were important because they provided valuable insights into the civilization's trade, religion, and social structure. They also helped decipher the ancient Indus Valley script and language. The seals were used for authentication of goods and documents, indicating a sophisticated economic system.

Related questions

What materials did Indus river valley civilization use to build their houses?

they live in houses made of bricks and stones.

Where did the indus valley food come from?

It came from Indus valley!! and from the area near indus valley

How do people know about the Indus valley civilization?

people came to know about Indus civilization by arciologist they discovered it when Britisher were digging the special bricks as they dug more and more the found a big city it was Indus civilization.

What is a dockyard?

It was an important trading and manufacturing center of Indus valley civilization. this dockyard made of baked bricks was connected by channels to the gulf of Cam-bay and used for carrying out overseas trade.

What is dockyard?

It was an important trading and manufacturing center of Indus valley civilization. this dockyard made of baked bricks was connected by channels to the gulf of Cam-bay and used for carrying out overseas trade.

What were some of the technology that was made during the Indus river valley?

some of the technology made during the Indus river valley was irrigation systems, and weighing equipment

Items made by Indus River Valley?


Where did the indus valley come from?

The indus valley!!

What are the similarities of indus valley seal and mesopotamian civilization artifact n?

they both use clay bricks and stones to makes seals.

What are the Implications of using bricks of the indus valley civilization?

Role of Brick was important. In Harappa and Mohenjodaro culture, baked bricks were massively used as building item. We can find them in the ruins of their towns

Which is the first civilization of the world nile or indus?

indus valley indus valley

Are the sulbha sutras made during the indus valley civilization?
