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Both adopted cultural characteristics from earlier civilizations.

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Both the Chimú and Inca civilizations were indigenous South American civilizations that thrived in the Andean region. They both had highly organized societies with complex political systems and advanced engineering techniques, such as the construction of elaborate irrigation systems. Additionally, both civilizations practiced agriculture as a primary means of sustenance and had distinct art styles that reflected their cultural beliefs and practices.

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Q: How were the Chimú and Inca civilizations similar?
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How were chimu and Inca civilization similar?

The Chimu and Inca civilizations similar they were both militaristic and expansionistic.

How where the Chimu and Inca civilizations similar?

Both the Chimu and Inca civilizations were based in the Andean region of South America. They both developed sophisticated agricultural practices to support their populations, such as terraced farming. Additionally, both civilizations were known for their impressive engineering feats, including extensive road networks and complex irrigation systems.

Which characteristics of Inca civilization is most similar to a chateristics of the earlier moche civilization?

Both the Inca and Moche civilizations were skilled in architectural and engineering techniques, with the Inca known for their impressive stonework and the Moche for their elaborate irrigation systems. Additionally, both civilizations placed importance on religion and power, as seen in the construction of monumental religious structures and the presence of powerful ruling elites.

AWhich characteristic of Inca civilization is most similar to a characteristic of the earlier Moche civilization?

Both the Inca and Moche civilizations were skilled in engineering and construction. The Inca, like the Moche, were adept at constructing impressive irrigation systems to support agriculture in their mountainous regions.

How did the Inca Empire compare to Mesoamerican civilizations?

The Inca Empire was located in South America, while Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Maya, Aztec, and Olmec, were situated in present-day Mexico and Central America. The Inca Empire had a different societal structure based on a centralized government ruled by an emperor, while Mesoamerican civilizations were organized into city-states with varying levels of political complexity. Both civilizations had advanced agriculture, architecture, and developed complex religious beliefs.

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How were the Chimu and Inca similar?

The Chimu and Inca civilizations similar they were both militaristic and expansionistic.


The Chimu and Inca civilizations similar they were both militaristic and expansionistic.

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How were chimu and Inca civilization similar?

The Chimu and Inca civilizations similar they were both militaristic and expansionistic.

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How where the Chimu and Inca civilizations similar?

Both the Chimu and Inca civilizations were based in the Andean region of South America. They both developed sophisticated agricultural practices to support their populations, such as terraced farming. Additionally, both civilizations were known for their impressive engineering feats, including extensive road networks and complex irrigation systems.

Which characteristics of Inca civilization is most similar to a chateristics of the earlier moche civilization?

Both the Inca and Moche civilizations were skilled in architectural and engineering techniques, with the Inca known for their impressive stonework and the Moche for their elaborate irrigation systems. Additionally, both civilizations placed importance on religion and power, as seen in the construction of monumental religious structures and the presence of powerful ruling elites.

What Inca Civilizations were concentrated on what continent?

South America

What lead to the decline of the Aztec and inca civilizations?

One of the larger factors that lead to the decline of the Aztec and Inca civilizations are people from Europe bringing disease and taking advantage of these people.

How were the civilizations of the Maya Aztecs and Inca different?

They both were alive.