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In the Chavin culture, art played a significant role in religious practices through the depiction of deities and symbolic imagery on sculptures and ceramics. The Nazca culture used art to express their beliefs through the creation of intricate textiles and pottery that often featured mythological figures and symbols associated with their religion. Both cultures utilized art as a means of connecting with the spiritual realm and communicating religious beliefs within their communities.

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Q: How were art and relig on linked in the Chavin and Nazca cultures?
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How did the Greeks influence Roman relig ous practices?

At one point the Romans equated most of their gods to Greek gods and adopted the myths associated with the Greek gods. Even before this, the Greeks influenced Roman religion from quite early days.Hercules was the Latin name for the mythological Greek hero Heracles. The Romans said that he performed one of his twelve labours in Rome. In Roman religion he was deified.The seventh and last king of Rome was said to have bought the Sibylline Books, a collection of Greek oracular pronouncements, from the Sibyls of Cumae (near Naples), the northernmost of the Greek colonies (settlements) of southern Italy. The Sibyls were oracles which had temples around the Greek world. The oracle of Delphi was one of them.The Romans built a temple in honour to the Dioscuri, the two Greek divine twins, Castor and Pollux, in gratitude for their help in winning the Battle of Lake Regillus (495 BC). Their cult came to Rome from Magna Graecia via the Latin city of Tibur.Libera was an agricultural goddess who may have originated from the Greeks of Magna Graecia (the Greeks of southern Italy). The cult of the plebeian or Aventine Triad was said to have been established in 493 BC during a famine on advice of the Sibyls. This was the triad of Ceres, Liber and Libera. A temple in their honour was built on the Aventine Hill. Later accounts describe the temple and rites as "Greek" in style. Even though Ceres was originally Roman, she was later paired with her daughter Proserpina (also a Roman goddess) in what Romans described as "the Greek rites of Ceres".In 432 BC Apollo, a Greek god, was adopted from Cumae as the god of healing and the temple of Apollo was built. Apollo was the god of the Sibyls.In 293 BC the worship of Aesculapius, the god of medicine was brought to the island of Tiber. Again on the advice of the Sibyls, the Romans adopted Cybele as they were told that if they did this they would win the Second Punic War (218-202 BC). The Romans called her Magna mater (the Great Mother). She was a mother goddess who was originally from Phrygia, in central Turkey. Her cult spread to parts of Greece.Bacchus (the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine and ritual madness and ecstasy) was originally the Greek god Dionysus. His cult, which the Romans called the Bacchanalia, spread in southern Italy. This was a frenzied festival which was banned in 186 BC by the Roman senate because, it was claimed, it led to all kinds of crimes and political conspiracies.

Is Kanye West a musical genius?

The use of the word "genius" is often debated; some feel that the potency of the word's intended meaning has been diluted by over-usage. The history of Western music has included many talents who pushed the boundaries of what audiences thought possible at the time, such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Cage, and many more. These artists might be considered geniuses today for their effect on music's direction as a whole, so to judge a current artist's level of "genius" might be difficult before their discography is complete and the total effect they have on artists to come can be fully appreciated.In Kanye West's specific case, he's called himself "a God" (even releasing a song in reference to this claim), and has also self-identified as a genius on multiple occasions. His arrogant attitude has definitely led people to question him, but putting that aside, what has Kanye accomplished musically? The gold standard of awards in the music industry is the GRAMMYs, of which he's received the seventh-most in history. As of 2019, Kanye has won 21 GRAMMYs from 69 total nominations.On a side note, this Community Manager definitely thinks Kanye has the gifts to be considered genius. His understanding of production and the ways that he's explored the possibilities within music production is truly new and innovative. I look forward to new releases of his always, because he continues to push his own boundaries and release music like I've never heard before.

What happened in history in September 5 years ago?

September 4, 2004 Hurricane Frances hits Florida, causing $40 billion in damage. September 4, 1997 14th MTV Awards September 4, 1997 Howard Stern Radio Show premieres in Louisville Kentucky on WTFX 100.5 FM September 4, 1996 13th MTV Awards: Alanis Morrisett and Smashing Pumpkins wins September 4, 1995 Jerry Lewis' 30th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $47,800,000 September 4, 1995 Mary Beth Zimmerman wins LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic September 4, 1994 Bulgarian government of Berov falls September 4, 1994 Cleveland Browns is 1st team in NFL to score a 2-point conversion September 4, 1994 Kansai International airport officially opens September 4, 1993 Jim Abbott pitches 4-0, no-hit win over Indians at Yankee Stadium September 4, 1993 Miklos Horthy appointed Hungarian admiral September 4, 1993Mats Wilander defeats Mikael Pernfors 7-6 (7-3), 3-6, 1-6, 7-6 (8-6), 6-4 in 4 hours 1 min U.S. Open Tennis match concluding at 2:26 AM September 4, 1992"Scared Silent" is 1st non news program to be seen on 3 networks simultaneously. (CBS, NBC and PBS), about child abuse hosted by Oprah September 4, 1991 "Most Happy Fella" opens at New York State Theater New York City September 4, 1991 Rte 35 Theater in Hazlit, last drive-in in NJ, closes September 4, 1991Panel of 8 baseball experts vote to drop asterisk next to Roger Maris HR record and determine an official no hitter must go at least 9 innings September 4, 1989 Beth Daniel wins LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic September 4, 1989 Jerry Lewis' 24th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $42,737,219 September 4, 1988 Mike Tyson crashes a silver BMW into a tree near Catskills NY September 4, 1988 Phoenix Cardinals play 1st regular-season NFL game September 4, 1986 189.42 million shares traded in New York Stock Exchange September 4, 1986 Claude Brochu becomes CEO of Montreal Expos September 4, 1985 Igor Paklin of U.S.S.R. set a new high jump world record at 7-11 12 September 4, 1985 New York Mets Gary Carter's 2 home runs ties record of 5 home runs in 2 games September 4, 1984 Nigerian singer Fela Kuti sentenced to 2 years September 4, 1983 "Joseph and the Amazing Dreamcoat" closes at Royale New York City after 747 performances September 4, 1983 83rd U.S. Golf Amateur Championship won by Jay Sigel September 4, 1983 Greg LeMond becomes only American to win cycling's Road Championship September 4, 1983 Scott Michael Pellaton sets barefoot waterski speed rec (119.36 mph) September 4, 1982 Arson fire engulfs apt-hotel in LA, 25 die September 4, 1982 U.S.S.R. performs underground nuclear test September 4, 1981 Longest game at Fenway Park completed in 20, Mariners-8, Red Sox-7 September 4, 1981 Newscaster David Brinkley is released by NBC September 4, 1981 Seattle Mariners beat Boston Red Sox, 8-7, in 20 inn (started 9/3) September 4, 1981 U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site September 4, 1980 Yes performs its last concert (MSG) September 4, 1979 India need 438 to win vs. England, game ends at 8-429 September 4, 1979 Iran army conquerors Baneh September 4, 1978 Jerry Lewis' 13th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $29,074,405 September 4, 1978 New York Yankee pitcher Ron Guidry wins his 20th (on way to 25-3 season) September 4, 1978 Pat Bradley wins LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic September 4, 1977 "Godspell" closes at Broadhurst Theater New York City after 527 performances September 4, 1977 Hollis Stacy wins LPGA Rail Muscular Dystrophy Golf Classic September 4, 1976 Palestinians hijack KLM DC-9 to Cyprus September 4, 1974 Emmy News and Documentaries Award presentation September 4, 1973 William E. Colby, becomes 10th director of CIA September 4, 1972 U.S. swimmer Mark Spitz becomes 1st athlete to win 7 olympic gold medals September 4, 1972 U.S.S.R. performs underground nuclear test September 4, 1971 Alaskan 727 crashes into Chilkoot Mountain, kills 109 (Alaska) September 4, 1970 George Harrison releases "My Sweet Lord" single September 4, 1970 Russian ballerina Natalia Makarova gets political asylum September 4, 1970 Salvador Allende wins presidential election in Chile September 4, 1968 Nigerian troops conquer Aba Biafra September 4, 1967 6.5 earthquake of Kolya Dam India, kills 200 September 4, 1967 Jerry Lewis' 2nd Muscular Dystrophy telethon September 4, 1967 Train crash at Arnhem Neth, kills 5 September 4, 1966 Houston Oilers holds Denver Broncos to no 1st downs winning 45-7 September 4, 1966 Jim Hogan wins Europe marathon (2:20:04.6) September 4, 1965 Beatles' "Help!," single goes #1 and stays #1 for 3 weeks September 4, 1965 KREZ TV channel 6 in Durango, CO (CBS/NBC) begins broadcasting September 4, 1965 Rock group Who's wan is vandalized with $10,000 in equipment stolen September 4, 1964 Eduardo Frei elected president of Chile September 4, 1964 Longest bridge in Europe opens (Scottish 4th Road Bridge) September 4, 1964 NASA launches its 1st Orbital Geophysical Observatory (OGO-1) September 4, 1962 Beatles record "How Do You Do It" at EMI September 4, 1962 French president De Gaulle visits German FR September 4, 1961 Carol Burnette-Richard Hayes Show premieres on CBS radio September 4, 1961 U.S. authorizes Agency for International Development September 4, 1960 Hurricane Donna, kills 148 in Caribbean and US September 4, 1957 Ford Motor Co introduces Edsel September 4, 1957 Governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus, calls out National Guard to stop 9 black students from entering a Little Rock high school September 4, 1954 1st passage of McClure Strait, fabled Northwest Passage completed September 4, 1954 Peter B Cortese of U.S. achieves a one-arm deadlift of 370 lbs; 22 lbs over triple his body weight, at York, Pennsylvania September 4, 1953 WATR (now WTXX) TV channel 20 in Waterbury, CT (NBC) begins September 4, 1953 WGEM TV channel 10 in Quincy-Hannibal, IL (NBC) begins broadcasting September 4, 1953 Yanks become 1st team to win 5 consecutive championship September 4, 1951 1st transcontinental TV broadcast, by President Truman September 4, 1951 71st U.S. Mens Tennis: F A Sedgman beats Elias V Seixas, Jr. (64 61 61) September 4, 1951 NBC extends to become a 61 station coast-to-coast network September 4, 1951 President Truman addresses opening of Japanese Peace Treaty Conference September 4, 1950 1st helicopter rescue of American pilot behind enemy lines September 4, 1950 D McI Hodgson of St. Ann Bay, Nova Scotia catches a 997 lb tuna September 4, 1950 Heavy typhoon strikes Japan, kills about 250 September 4, 1949 Marie Robie sinks 393 yd hole-in-one (1st hole in Furnace Brook) September 4, 1948 "Angel in the Wings" closes at Coronet Theater New York City after 308 performances September 4, 1948 Queen Wilhelmina abdicates Dutch throne September 4, 1945 Ruben Fine wins 4 simultaneous rapid chess games blindfolded September 4, 1945 U.S. regains possession of Wake Island from Japan September 4, 1944 2,087 Jews transported for Westerbork to KZ-Lower Theresienstadt September 4, 1944 64th U.S. Mens Tennis: Frank Parker beats Wm F Talbert (64 36 63 63) September 4, 1944 British 2nd Armoured pantzer division frees Antwerp September 4, 1944 Finland breaks diplomatic contact with nazi-Germany September 4, 1944 U.S. 1st Army frees Namen September 4, 1943 British 8th army lands at Taranto South Italy September 4, 1942 Transport nr 28 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany September 4, 1941 New York Yankees, win earliest AL pennent (full season) September 4, 1941 U.S. destroyer Greer fires on German submarine U-652 September 4, 1941 Yanks beat Red Sox 6-3 and clinch their 12th and earliest pennant September 4, 1940 Gerbrandy becomes premier of Dutch government in exile September 4, 1940 Mussert sends telegram, that Hitler has captured the Dutch September 4, 1940 Nazi collaborator Mussert puts the fate of Netherlands in Hitler's hands September 4, 1939 Dutch 2nd Chamber affirms Netherlands in a State of War September 4, 1939 German submarine U-30 sinks British passenger ship Athenia September 4, 1939 German troops move into Danzig September 4, 1939 Netherlands and Belgium declare neutrality September 4, 1939 Mir, a castle used by the occupying Nazi forces as a Jewish ghetto, is exterminated September 4, 1939 RAF bombs Wilhelmshafen September 4, 1938 Vainio Muinonen wins 2nd European marathoner (2:37:28.8) September 4, 1937 Doris Kopsky, becomes 1st NABA woman cycling champion (4:22.4) September 4, 1936 Franco troops conquer Irun and Talavera de la Reina Spain September 4, 1936 Largo Caballero becomes Spanish premier September 4, 1934 Bradman scores 149* Aust vs. Eng XI, 104 mins, 17 fours 4 sixes September 4, 1933 1st airplane to exceed 300 mph (483 kph), JR Wendell, Glenview, Il September 4, 1933 Coup on Cuban president De Cespedes by Fulgencio Batista September 4, 1932 15th PGA Championship: Olin Dutra at Keller GC St. Paul Minn September 4, 1930 Cambridge Theater opens in London September 4, 1927 Charles Lindbergh visits Boise, Idaho, on his cross-country tour September 4, 1923 A Charlot and N Cowards revue "London Calling," premieres in London September 4, 1923 New York Yankee Sad Sam Jones no-hits Philadelphia A's, 2-0 September 4, 1922 Paavo Nurmi runs world record 2000m (5:26.3) September 4, 1920 Last day of Julian civil calendar (in parts of Bulgaria) September 4, 1919 39th U.S. Mens Tennis: William M Johnston beats Wm T Tilden (64 64 63) September 4, 1919 British intervene in Petrograd September 4, 1918 Jhr Ch Ruys de Beerenbrouck becomes 1st Dutch Catholic premier September 4, 1918 U.S. troops land in Archangel, Russia, stay 10 months September 4, 1916 Christy Mathewson and Mordecai Brown final baseball game September 4, 1914 British, French and Russian government sign Pact of London, against Germany September 4, 1914 General von Moltke ceases German advance in France September 4, 1912 1st accident (collision) in Londoner Underground: 22 injured person September 4, 1911 Garros sets world altitude record of 4,250 m (13,944 ft) September 4, 1908 Caledonia and Hillhurst Football Clubs play for Central Alberta Rugby Football League championship September 4, 1906 New York Highlanders win 5th straight doubleheader September 4, 1904 Dali Lama signs treaty allowing British commerce in Tibet September 4, 1899 8.3 earthquake shakes Yakutat Bay, Alaska September 4, 1894 In New York City, 12,000 tailors went on strike protesting sweat shops September 4, 1894 Soccer team Veendam 1894 forms September 4, 1893 English author Beatrix Potter 1st tells the story of Peter Rabbit September 4, 1888 George Eastman patents 1st roll-film camera and registers "Kodak" September 4, 1886 Apache Chief Geronimo surrenders ending last major US-Indian war September 4, 1885 1st cafeteria opens (New York City) September 4, 1882 1st district lit by electricity (NY's Pearl Street Station) September 4, 1870 3rd French republic proclaimed as they overthrow their king September 4, 1866 1st Hawaiian daily newspaper published September 4, 1864 Bread riots in Mobile, Alabama September 4, 1862 Gen Lee invades North with 50,000 Confederate troops September 4, 1862 North Beach and Mission Railway Company organized in SF September 4, 1854 English/French assault on Petropavlovsk Kamchatka September 4, 1842 Work on Koln cathedral recommences after 284-year hiatus September 4, 1833 1st newsboy hired (Barney Flaherty, 10 years old-NY Sun) September 4, 1813 1st U.S. relig newspaper (Religious Remembrancer (Christian Observer)) September 4, 1807 Robert Fulton begins operating his steamboat September 4, 1805 1st edition of Batavian State-Current published September 4, 1786 Orange troops plunder Hattem/Elburg September 4, 1781 Los Angeles founded by 44 in Bahia de las Fumas, (Valley of Smokes) September 4, 1778 City Amsterdam signs trade agreement with U.S. rebels September 4, 1695 French garrison of castle Names surrenders for Willem III September 4, 1682 English astronomer Edmund Halley sees his namesake comet September 4, 1618 "Rodi" avalanche destroys Plurs Switzerland, 1,500 killed September 4, 1571 Catholic coup in Scotland September 4, 1479 King Alfonso I of Portugal recognizes Isabella as queen of Castilie September 4, 1414 Peace of Atrecht: John the fearless and Armagnacs September 4, 1282 King Pedro III of Aragonorth annexes Sicily September 4, 1260 Battle at Montaperti-Guelfen vs Ghibellijnen September 4, 1024 Conrad II the Sailor chosen German king September 4, 476 Romulus Augustulus, last Roman emperor in west, is deposed September 4, 422 St. Boniface I ends his reign as Catholic Pope