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The hunting and gathering stage lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, while the agricultural revolution took place around 10,000 years ago. Therefore, the hunting and gathering stage lasted much longer than the agricultural revolution.

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Q: How much longer did the hunting gathering stage last than did the agricultural revolution?
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What effect did the neolithic agricultural revolution have on people?

The Neolithic Revolution allowed humans to receive food much faster. However, bacteria started to become an issue because they were no longer hunting and gathering, people were in one place constantly.

What changes marked the beginning of the new stone age in what ways did this change alter people way of life?

The beginning of the new Stone Age, also known as the Neolithic Revolution, was marked by the transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture and the domestication of animals. This change altered people's way of life by enabling them to produce their own food rather than relying solely on hunting and gathering. It led to the establishment of permanent settlements, the development of complex social structures, and the possibility of specialization of labor.

Why is the Neolithic agricultural revolution considered a turning point in human history?

The Neolithic agricultural revolution marked the shift from hunting and gathering to settled farming societies, leading to the development of permanent settlements, surplus food production, and the rise of complex societies. This transition allowed for population growth, the development of specialized labor, and eventually the beginning of written language and other advancements that transformed human civilization.

What was the impact of the Neolithic revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution marked a shift from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. This led to surpluses in food production, allowing for the development of complex societies, specialization of labor, and the growth of civilizations. It also influenced the development of technology, social structures, and cultural practices that continue to shape human societies today.

What led people to begin farming?

People began farming as a way to secure a more stable food source than hunting and gathering. Farming allowed for the domestication of plants and animals, providing a reliable and consistent supply of food. Additionally, farming led to the development of settlements and the growth of societies.

Related questions

What effect did the Neolithic agricultural revolution have on people's lives?

The Neolithic Revolution allowed humans to receive food much faster. However, bacteria started to become an issue because they were no longer hunting and gathering, people were in one place constantly.

What was not the results of the agricultural revolution?

The results of the agricultural revolution included longer life expectancy, improved living standards, new agricultural methods, movements of tenants to cities, and lower infant mortality.

What was NOT a result of the agricultural revolution?

The results of the agricultural revolution included longer life expectancy, improved living standards, new agricultural methods, movements of tenants to cities, and lower infant mortality.

What effect did the neolithic agricultural revolution have on people?

The Neolithic Revolution allowed humans to receive food much faster. However, bacteria started to become an issue because they were no longer hunting and gathering, people were in one place constantly.

Were people better off before or after the Neolithic Revolution?

The were better off after because they were no longer a hunting/gathering society and created communities that could protect each other, share resources, and eventually form government .

What effect did the agricultural revolution have on the growth of the human population?

The agricultural revolution led to increased food production, which in turn supported the growth of human population by providing a more stable and consistent food supply. This allowed for larger communities and settlements to develop, as people no longer needed to constantly move in search of food.

What happend when Romans no longer wanted a monarchy?

A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.A revolution and the formation of the republic were the effects of the Romans no longer wanting a monarchy.

What is the name of the revolution that caused people to become food producers and farmers?

That's the neolithic revolution. Literally means new stone age. People no longer depended completely on hunting/gathering and were able to domesticate their own crops and animals. It's believed that this revolution occurred due to climate changes brought about by a thawing world. Also, people began to settle down which drastically changed lifestyles and paved the way for eventual development of civilization. Other effects included higher social inequality caused by uneven accumulation of wealth.

What is the significance of hunter gatherers?

We can look at the history of human beings as having a need to satisfy their needs. Early humans were hunter-gatherers, meaning that they were most likely nomadic and moved and then settled where food was plentiful, ready to move again if that changed. Eventually, humans found areas, such as Mesopotamia, that were ideas for growing food, thus, the agricultural phase of human societies spurred, and people settled and stayed because they were no longer hunting and gathering their food, but farming.

Why do hunting and gathering societies still exist?

Why shouldn't they? That is, what would force them to no longer exist? What I mean is, something would have to happen to either destroy them all, or force the people in them into other societies. No such thing has happened, that's why they still exist. The people in hunting and gathering societies were born into them, and are living the way they were raised to live, the way their parents, and their parents, and so on have lived for a really long time.

What is the Hunter gatherer?

We can look at the history of human beings as having a need to satisfy their needs. Early humans were hunter-gatherers, meaning that they were most likely nomadic and moved and then settled where food was plentiful, ready to move again if that changed. Eventually, humans found areas, such as Mesopotamia, that were ideas for growing food, thus, the agricultural phase of human societies spurred, and people settled and stayed because they were no longer hunting and gathering their food, but farming.

Which state has a longer growing season for agricultural crops Massachusetts or Louisiana?
