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I personaly reaserched this and the workers only got about 20-30 cents a day.

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Workers who built the pyramids in ancient Egypt were not paid a salary but were instead provided with food, water, and shelter. They were essentially conscripted laborers who worked in service to the Pharaoh.

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Q: How much did workers get paid to build pyramids?
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How much or how were people paid to work on the pyramids?

Workers who built the pyramids in ancient Egypt were not paid with money, but rather with food, clothing, and housing. They were likely farmers who worked on the pyramids during the flood season when their fields were submerged. The work on the pyramids was considered a form of national duty or service to the pharaoh.

How many slaves were used to build the pyramid?

It is estimated that around 20,000 to 30,000 workers, not slaves, were employed to build the pyramid of Giza. These workers were likely skilled laborers, farmers, and craftsmen who were paid for their work. The common misconception of slaves being used to build the pyramids is largely inaccurate.

Did the Egyptians enslaved talented craftspeople from neighboring civilizations to construct the pyramids?

There is no solid evidence to support the theory that Egyptians enslaved skilled craftspeople from other civilizations to build the pyramids. It is believed that the pyramids were built by a large workforce of paid laborers and skilled Egyptian craftsmen who worked together under the direction of experienced overseers.

How much mony did a crafts worker get paid in ancient Egypt?

Crafts workers in ancient Egypt were paid in goods, such as food, clothing, and other necessities, rather than in money. The value of their compensation depended on the complexity and quality of their work, as well as the demand for their skills. Craftsmen could also barter their products or services for other goods.

How much did Victorian mudlarks get paid?

Victorian mudlarks were not paid for their work scavenging in the mud of the River Thames in London. They would collect items such as coal, rope, and other valuables to sell in order to survive.

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Who thought of the egyptians pyramids?

King zoser of the third dynasty thought of the pyramids!! :) ^ LIAR

How did the ancient Egyptians get workers to build the pyramids?

they were slaves that built the pyramid. or prisoners of warAnswerArchaeologists have recently found the graves of some workers who built the pyramids. They were buried reverentially, and with some goods to help them in the afterlife. It is clear that the workers were not slaves, but paid workers who were treated well by the standards of their time.

How much or how were people paid to work on the pyramids?

Workers who built the pyramids in ancient Egypt were not paid with money, but rather with food, clothing, and housing. They were likely farmers who worked on the pyramids during the flood season when their fields were submerged. The work on the pyramids was considered a form of national duty or service to the pharaoh.

How was Egypt able to build pyramids and temple?

The pharaoh's families paid the costs

How many slaves did it take to build the piramyde of khphren?

Slaves were not used to build pyramids, they used a paid workforce.

How much did ancient Egyptian metal workers get paid?

People didn't get paid like we do today. They got food, some got housing while working on the pyramids. Workers on the pyramids were a combination of slave labor and required work for the population. Copper tools were used and this required constant reworking and making the tools since copper is a soft metal and doesn't last long.

How did slaves build the big pyramids?

The pyramids were not built by slaves. They were built by well-paid, skilled Egyptians laborers as part of a massive state construction project.

How many slaves were used to build the pyramid?

It is estimated that around 20,000 to 30,000 workers, not slaves, were employed to build the pyramid of Giza. These workers were likely skilled laborers, farmers, and craftsmen who were paid for their work. The common misconception of slaves being used to build the pyramids is largely inaccurate.

How much money would it cost to hire someone to build a pyramid?

Well actually, all the pyramids made, no one got paid for them. Slaves built all the pyramids. And slaves built the Washington Monument. (Just a little fact)

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