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The population of a stone age tribe could vary, ranging from 20 to 100 individuals. Tribe size depended on factors like resource availability, social structure, and environmental conditions.

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Q: How many people lived in one stone age tribe?
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What tribe lived in Mission Santa Clara De Asis?

The Ohlone tribe inhabited the area around Mission Santa Clara de Asis. However, due to the mission system established by the Spanish, many indigenous people from various tribes were brought to live and work at the mission.

What sort of shelter houses did the Neolithic people live in?

Neolithic people typically lived in circular or rectangular houses made from natural materials like wood, mud, stone, and thatch. These houses varied in size and construction materials based on the region and available resources. The circular stone structures called "roundhouses" were common in many Neolithic communities.

When did Neolithic people die?

Neolithic people lived between roughly 12,000 to 3,000 years ago, depending on the region. Their way of life largely revolved around agriculture and the use of tools made from stone, wood, and other natural materials. The transition to the Bronze Age marked the end of the Neolithic period in many parts of the world.

What is the difference between the old stone age and the new stone age?

Old stone age means where the people used to go for hunting , ate raw fruits and never cooked the flesh of hunted animals. Old stone age people led a nomadic life .Where as new stone age means where the people started agriculture , and developed many scientific knowledge and also they started to believe in the natural things . New stone age people led a settled life.

How many people lived in 1 Aztec house?

Typically, a single extended Aztec family lived in one house, which could consist of around 10-15 people. The family structure was patrilineal, and multiple generations often lived together in the same household. The house usually had one central courtyard and various rooms for sleeping and working.

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In the Seneca tribe up to sixty people lived in a longhouse at one time. The longhouses could be as long as one hundred feet and housed Seneca clans.

How did peoples lives change during the old stone age?

It is unknown how many people lived in the old stone age. This was way back in history.

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What tribe lived in Mission Santa Clara De Asis?

The Ohlone tribe inhabited the area around Mission Santa Clara de Asis. However, due to the mission system established by the Spanish, many indigenous people from various tribes were brought to live and work at the mission.

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