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Child coal miners in the Industrial Revolution worked long hours, often 10-12 hours a day, six days a week. They faced dangerous working conditions and were paid very low wages. Many children as young as five or six years old were employed in these mines.

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Q: How long did child coal miners work for in the industrial Revelation?
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The disease associated with mining coal is called?

silicosis, or "black lung"In the UK it is commonly called 'dust' the medical name in PneumoconiosisThere are several diseases associated with coal mining. Lung diseases from the inhalation of coal dust is known as "black lung" or "coal miners pneumoconiosis". See the related link entitled "black lung disease claims" to read more about coal miners lung disease.Two other industrial disease coal miners can suffer from are: industrial deafness (from exposure to excessive noise) and vibration white finger (from exposure to vibrating power tools) see the related links entitled "industrial deafness claims" and "miners vwf" for further details of these conditions.

Were the miners in Chile coal miners?

No, they are copper miners.

What do the coal miners do after they mine the coal?

After coal miners extract coal from the ground, they typically transport it to processing facilities for cleaning, sorting, and packaging. The processed coal is then shipped to power plants, industrial facilities, or other consumers for use in generating electricity, heat, or manufacturing processes. Some coal miners may also be involved in reclamation efforts to restore mined areas to their natural state after extraction.

Do coal miners mine for coal?

Yes, coal miners work in coal mines to extract coal from the ground. They use heavy equipment to dig tunnels and remove coal from deposits in the earth.

Black lung affects coal miners Who was struck by brown lung especially early in the Industrial Revolution?

Cotton workers

Where can you read about history of coal miners?

You can read about the history of coal miners from Wikipedia's official website. You can also read about the history of coal miners from Mining USA's official website.

What are coalminers?

Coal miners are individuals who work in the mining industry to extract coal from underground or surface mines. Their job involves operating machinery, drilling, digging, and transporting coal to the surface for processing. Coal miners play a vital role in providing energy for electricity generation and various industrial processes.

Where did Victorian coal miners work?

In coal mines.

How john L Lewis improved the lives of coal miners?

John L. Lewis improved the lives of coal miners by organizing them into unions. The unions forced the mine owners to make the mines safer and to stop the practice of child labor in the mines.

How did John L Lewis improve the lives of coal miners?

John L. Lewis improved the lives of coal miners by organizing them into unions. The unions forced the mine owners to make the mines safer and to stop the practice of child labor in the mines.

When was Coal Miners' Museum - Van Lear - created?

Coal Miners' Museum - Van Lear - was created in 1984.

What do miners eat?

miners eat bat soup, coal and rock.