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Anything from a few feet to many tens of miles, but lengths over 100miles are very rare.

Flint Ridge / Mammoth Cave is the world's longest known system with its surveyed passages lengths totalling well over 350 miles!

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11mo ago

Caves can vary greatly in length, ranging from a few meters to several kilometers. Some of the longest known caves in the world, like the Mammoth Cave in the United States, stretch for more than 600 kilometers. The length of a cave depends on factors such as the geological conditions, the water flow that formed it, and the erosion processes.

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How long have caves been around?

Caves have been around for millions of years, with some of the oldest known caves dating back to at least 40 million years ago. Many caves are formed through a process called karstification, which involves the dissolution of soluble rocks like limestone over long periods of time.

What are the different types of caves?

The main types of caves are solution caves, lava caves, sea caves, glacier caves, and talus caves. Solution caves form from the dissolution of soluble rocks like limestone; lava caves are created by flowing lava; sea caves are carved by the action of waves on coastal cliffs; glacier caves form within glaciers due to melting and refreezing processes; and talus caves are formed by fallen rocks creating cave-like structures.

Are the Chislehurst Caves dangerous to go in?

The Chislehurst Caves are generally safe to visit with guided tours. However, some areas may pose risks due to uneven terrain and low ceilings. As long as you stay with your tour group and follow safety guidelines, you should be able to explore the caves without major concerns.

What is the size of waitomo caves?

The Waitomo Caves system is over 250 kilometers in length and around 120 meters deep. The main cave, known as the Glowworm Cave, is approximately 1.6 kilometers long.

Where do caves usually form?

Caves usually form in areas with limestone or other soluble rocks that can be dissolved by water over long periods of time. Common locations for cave formation include regions with karst topography, such as in limestone landscapes or near volcanic activity, where lava tubes can create caves.

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How long did the blizzard last in Maroo of the Winter Caves?

3 days

Naracoorte caves fossils. are they extinict or evolved?

Both! The fossils within limestone holding caves are of long-extinct animals, but they had still evolved to the species preserved as fossils.

How many caves are there in the ajanta caves?

The Ajanta Caves contain 29 caves in total.

How many caves are there in at the 'Ellora Caves'?

There are 12 Buddhist (caves 1-12), 17 Hindu (caves 13-29) and 5 Jain (caves 30-34) caves. Total 34 caves.

How long have caves been around?

Caves have been around for millions of years, with some of the oldest known caves dating back to at least 40 million years ago. Many caves are formed through a process called karstification, which involves the dissolution of soluble rocks like limestone over long periods of time.

Can you tell me a poem about caves?

caves caves caves caves why do u want to know?

Why do people live in buildings?

There were long waiting periods for decent accomodations in the local caves.

What are the different types are caves?

granite caves sea caves sandstone caves . stay in school

What are the different types of caves?

The main types of caves are solution caves, lava caves, sea caves, glacier caves, and talus caves. Solution caves form from the dissolution of soluble rocks like limestone; lava caves are created by flowing lava; sea caves are carved by the action of waves on coastal cliffs; glacier caves form within glaciers due to melting and refreezing processes; and talus caves are formed by fallen rocks creating cave-like structures.

What are the different kinds of caves?

The most common types of cave are limestone caves.

How are limestone caves and sea caves alike?

They are both caves

Do people really live in caves in Spain?

Yes, People live in caves all over the world and have been doing so for a very very long time! Don't you think?