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You have to look in a world geography book...

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The Aswan High Dam has helped Egypt by providing hydroelectric power, controlling flooding of the Nile River, and facilitating irrigation for increased agricultural production. However, it has also led to negative consequences such as displacement of communities, soil salinization, and impact on fisheries and biodiversity due to changes in the river's flow and sediment deposition.

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Q: How has the Aswan High Dam helped and hurt Egypt?
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What are the ways explorers hurt the Indians?

Explorers often hurt Indigenous peoples through violence, spread of diseases, displacement from their land, forced cultural assimilation, and exploitation of resources without consent. These actions have had long-lasting negative impacts on Indigenous communities and their way of life.

What did stone age people use as shelter?

Stone age people used natural materials like wood, leaves, animal hides, and bones to build shelters such as caves, huts, and tents. These structures provided protection from predators, harsh weather, and other environmental challenges.

What explorers did to hurt the Indians?

Explorers harmed Indigenous peoples through forced relocation, spread of diseases, violence, and exploitation of resources. They often imposed their own beliefs, customs, and laws on Indigenous communities, leading to cultural erosion and loss of land.

How did Juan Ponce de Leon interact with the Indians?

Juan Ponce de Leon interacted with the Native American Indians through a mix of diplomacy, coercion, and force. While some interactions were relatively peaceful, others involved conflict and the suppression of indigenous populations. Ponce de Leon's actions varied depending on the circumstances and goals of his expeditions.

What does Odysseus and his men discover in the cave?

They Discover There Are Some Cyclops In The Cave Then He Said His Name Was Noman He Poked The Cyclops eye Wiff A Hot Stick & Now He blind & his Bros Asked Him Who Hurt him & He Said Noman So They Think The Gods Are Punishing Him I Kno This Cuz I Read Bout This In Ms.Suttons Class 1Period Well It Was In A Test:D<3

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How has the Aswan Dam helped Egypt?

As the dam stopped the annual flooding there was no more silt - very fertile soil - washed onto the land, therefore Egyptian farmers now have to rely on fertilizer.

How might th e niles cataracts have both helped and hurt Egypt?

the cataracts hurt egypt by making it hard to travel from place to place

How might the Nile' s cataract have both helped and hurt Egypt?

It helped the egyptians because, it helped them trade things and it gave them their resources.

How has the aswan high dam hurt Egypt?

90,000 Egyptain peasents had to move because the dam would turn a large part of southern Egypt into Lake Nasser. To make matters worse the rich silt that normally coverd the riverbank in the desert northwards is now stuck at the bottom of Lake Nasser.

How might cataracts have both helped and hurt Egypt?

It helped them because they can get water supply easily, and it could hurt them because they had big floods.It gave them water for water supply but it hurt Egypt because it flooded the cropsCataracts (the white water rapids of the Nile) prevented potential invasions using the River Nile--but they also kept Egyptians from getting very far. The cataracts harmed the Egyptians because it held back ships that tried to move though the River Nile.It helped Egypt because it protected from invaders from coming in. It hurt Epgyt in the sailing portion.The cataract made it impossible for invaders attack the Egyptians

How might the Nile's cataracts have helped and hurt Egypt?

It helped them because they can get water supply easily, and it could hurt them because they had big floods.It gave them water for water supply but it hurt Egypt because it flooded the cropsCataracts (the white water rapids of the Nile) prevented potential invasions using the River Nile--but they also kept Egyptians from getting very far. The cataracts harmed the Egyptians because it held back ships that tried to move though the River Nile.It helped Egypt because it protected from invaders from coming in. It hurt Epgyt in the sailing portion.The cataract made it impossible for invaders attack the Egyptians

How might the Nile's cataracts have both helped hurt Egypt?

It helped them because they can get water supply easily, and it could hurt them because they had big floods.It gave them water for water supply but it hurt Egypt because it flooded the cropsCataracts (the white water rapids of the Nile) prevented potential invasions using the River Nile--but they also kept Egyptians from getting very far. The cataracts harmed the Egyptians because it held back ships that tried to move though the River Nile.It helped Egypt because it protected from invaders from coming in. It hurt Epgyt in the sailing portion.The cataract made it impossible for invaders attack the Egyptians

How might Nile cataracts have both helped and hurt Egypt?

It helped them because they can get water supply easily, and it could hurt them because they had big floods.It gave them water for water supply but it hurt Egypt because it flooded the cropsCataracts (the white water rapids of the Nile) prevented potential invasions using the River Nile--but they also kept Egyptians from getting very far. The cataracts harmed the Egyptians because it held back ships that tried to move though the River Nile.It helped Egypt because it protected from invaders from coming in. It hurt Epgyt in the sailing portion.The cataract made it impossible for invaders attack the Egyptians

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How might the cataracts have both helped and Egypt?

It helped them because they can get water supply easily, and it could hurt them because they had big floods.It gave them water for water supply but it hurt Egypt because it flooded the cropsCataracts (the white water rapids of the Nile) prevented potential invasions using the River Nile--but they also kept Egyptians from getting very far. The cataracts harmed the Egyptians because it held back ships that tried to move though the River Nile.It helped Egypt because it protected from invaders from coming in. It hurt Epgyt in the sailing portion.The cataract made it impossible for invaders attack the Egyptians

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