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The Aztecs thanked their god Huitzilopochtli by building a temple in his honor at their new settlement of Tenochtitlan. They also performed rituals and sacrifices to show their gratitude for his guidance in helping them find their new home.

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Q: How did the aztects thank their god for helping them find a place to settle?
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How did the Aztecs thank their god for helping them find a place to settle?

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What did the Aztecs do to thank their god for helping them find a place to settle?

The Aztecs believed that their gods guided them to find a place to settle by showing them a sign: an eagle perched on a cactus devouring a snake. To show their thanks, they established their capital city, Tenochtitlan, on this spot in the Valley of Mexico. They also built temples and performed human sacrifices to honor their gods.

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Gracias por ayudarme.

How did the Aztecs thank their god for helping themto find a place to settle?

The Aztecs thanked their god by performing rituals and ceremonies, offering sacrifices like animals or human captives, and building temples and monuments in honor of the god. They believed these actions showed their gratitude and devotion to the god who guided them to their new settlement.

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How did the Aztec's thank there god for helping to find a place to settle?

The Aztecs likely thanked their gods through offerings and rituals, such as sacrificing animals or humans, performing dances and ceremonies, and offering up valuable items or food. They believed that these acts honored and pleased the gods, who would in turn continue to provide their protection and support.