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Thank you for such a beautiful question! I'm part Inca myself!

The Inca empire contributes to modern society in many different ways.

Food was one of the many, i'm sure you've had tomato's of potatoes. These were brought over to Europe from what now is called Peru.

Another big part that it contributed to our society was it's art. Architecture was by far one of the most important Inca arts. The Ina's built large beautiful structures such as Machu Pichu, one of the Seven wonders of the World. Many people now-a-days get inspiration from the art of the Inca's.

The Inca's were also very skilled in medicine. The Inca's could successfully preform skull surgery with a 80-90% chance of survival. Before the Inca's not even half the chance of survival was possible. The Inca's contributed in medicine and surgery, they also made many discoveries in medicine.

Hope this helps! The Inca's contributed quite a lot to modern society, everything listed has made an impact on our daily lives.

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4mo ago

The Inca Empire made significant contributions to modern society through their advancements in architecture, agriculture, and engineering. Their intricate road system, agricultural terracing techniques, and architectural achievements such as Machu Picchu continue to inspire and attract visitors today. Additionally, their advanced understanding of astronomy and ability to build structures aligned with celestial events have influenced modern urban planning and architectural design.

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