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The Celts likely discovered iron through contact with earlier civilizations that were already using iron. They may have observed iron ore deposits or seen iron objects made by other groups, sparking their own experimentation and adoption of ironworking techniques.

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Q: How did the Celts discover iron?
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Did the Celts live in iron age?

Yes, the Celts lived during the Iron Age, which roughly spanned from around 1200 BCE to 600 CE. This period is characterized by the widespread use of iron tools and weapons, along with the development of complex societies and trade networks. The Celts were one of the prominent Iron Age peoples in Europe.

What jobs did iron age Celts have?

Iron age Celts had a variety of jobs, including farmers, craftsmen (such as blacksmiths, weavers, and potters), warriors, tribal leaders, and spiritual leaders. They also engaged in trade with other cultures and participated in mining and metalworking.

What material did the Celts use?

The Celts used a variety of materials in their everyday life, including wood, leather, bronze, iron, and textiles like wool and linen. They were known for their skilled craftsmanship in creating intricate designs with these materials, seen in items such as jewelry, weapons, and household items.

What did the Celts do to make money?

The Celts made money through activities such as farming, trade, crafting goods like weapons and jewelry, and providing services as mercenaries. They also engaged in mining, particularly for metals like tin and iron, which they could trade with other societies.

Who lived in the iron age?

During the Iron Age, various civilizations around the world emerged, such as the Hittites, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Celts, and many others. These societies were characterized by the widespread use of iron for tools, weapons, and other implements, marking a significant technological advancement in human history.

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What year did the iron age Celts live?

they lived in the iron age.

Did Celts live in iron age?


From when to when was the Celts about?

the iron age (when the Celts were about) began 750 years before the year 0 and 43 years after.

Did the Celts live in iron age?

Yes, the Celts lived during the Iron Age, which roughly spanned from around 1200 BCE to 600 CE. This period is characterized by the widespread use of iron tools and weapons, along with the development of complex societies and trade networks. The Celts were one of the prominent Iron Age peoples in Europe.

Who discover mermaid?

No one discovered them because they don't exist. They are from ancient myths of the Greeks and Celts.

What jobs did iron age Celts have?

Iron age Celts had a variety of jobs, including farmers, craftsmen (such as blacksmiths, weavers, and potters), warriors, tribal leaders, and spiritual leaders. They also engaged in trade with other cultures and participated in mining and metalworking.

What is the names of the people the iron age?

Well the people were called Celts and their religious group were the Druids.

When was the element iron discover?

Answer was copied from

What material did the Celts use?

The Celts used a variety of materials in their everyday life, including wood, leather, bronze, iron, and textiles like wool and linen. They were known for their skilled craftsmanship in creating intricate designs with these materials, seen in items such as jewelry, weapons, and household items.

Who were the people to discover ireland?

Many say it was the Celts, but the first people to come to Ireland are now believed to have come by boat from northern Spain. There is even genetic evidence of this.

Did the Celts have pencils?

The celts did not have pencils.

Who was the first person to study iron and its properties?

Elements aren't invented; they have always been around - somebody just had to discover each one of them. Sorry, I don't know who discovered iron, but since it was being used as early as the Iron Age, I don't suppose anybody knows exactly who discovered it.