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I'm not an expert on the mather at hand, but if I'm not mistaken they couldn't make fire yet at the time yet, they "caught"en conderved the fire. after lighting storms hit tree's and started fire's they would then make a holow container of wood and contineu to feed the fire inside the container until they needed it.

after that they found out that the fire could burn better in combination with surtain oils and wood types, to the point there on they started simple fire building using rocks to create sparks or wood on wood friction.

If you've seen "brat camp", when the kids have to make fire, it's done much like that. "wood on wood friction" ;)

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4mo ago

People in the Stone Age made fire by rubbing sticks together to produce enough friction for a spark. Another method was to strike flint against pyrite, creating a spark that ignited dry tinder. Fire was crucial for cooking food, providing warmth, and offering protection.

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Q: How did people in the Stone age make fire How was fire made in the Stone Age?
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How did the people in the old stone age make life easier?

People in the Old Stone Age made their lives easier by creating tools and weapons out of stone, bone, and wood. These tools helped in hunting, cooking, and making shelters. They also developed basic language and communication skills to collaborate and coordinate with each other.

How did they make a fire in the stone age?

In the Stone Age, people made fire by friction. They would use a bow drill or a hand drill to create friction between two pieces of wood. This friction generated heat, which could then ignite dry tinder, such as leaves or bark, and start a fire.

What do stone age people like?

Stone Age people liked to hunt and gather for their food, make tools out of stone and other materials, create art and cave paintings, build simple dwellings, and engage in communal activities such as storytelling and rituals. They had a close connection with nature and relied on their surroundings for their livelihood.

Did the Neolithic age people make stone tools and weapons?

Yes, people in the Neolithic Age made stone tools and weapons. They used materials like flint, obsidian, and jade to craft tools for farming, hunting, and other daily activities. These tools were vital for their survival and shaped the development of Neolithic societies.

What are some advancements and achievements of the stone age?

During the Stone Age, advancements included the development of tools and weapons made from stone, bone, and wood, as well as the beginning of agriculture and animal domestication. Achievements from this period include the construction of shelters, the creation of cave art, and the development of complex social structures among early human communities.

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To make metal in Little Alchemy, you need to combine two elements: fire and stone. Drag and drop fire onto stone to create metal.

How did the people in the old stone age make life easier?

People in the Old Stone Age made their lives easier by creating tools and weapons out of stone, bone, and wood. These tools helped in hunting, cooking, and making shelters. They also developed basic language and communication skills to collaborate and coordinate with each other.

How did the Stone Age people make their weapons?

Stone age people made weapons by finding sharp objects to carve things.

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How many people did the Chicago fire make homeless?

The fire In Chicago made over 200 people become homeless

How do you make beast on doodle gods?

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What single word can be added to fire stone blank to make them compound?

The word "pit" can be added to "fire" and "stone" to make the compound word "firepit" or "stonepit."