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From my gleanings of research: sources cited below - it appears the Empire was one which engaged in colonizing nearby territory. Tributes to the central government and centre of the Empire came through the exploitation of those colonies.

Sad there is so little written on the topic, however.

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Srivijaya became wealthy and powerful through controlling key trade routes in Southeast Asia, particularly the Malacca Strait, which facilitated the trade of luxury goods such as spices, gold, and ivory. Their strategic location and strong navy allowed them to dominate maritime trade in the region and amass wealth through taxes and tributes from smaller states.

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Was sir Walter raleighs parents wealthy or poor?

Sir Walter Raleigh's parents were wealthy. His father, Walter Raleigh Sr., was a prosperous landowner in Devon, England, and his mother, Katherine Champernowne, also came from a wealthy family. This allowed Raleigh to receive an education and later pursue a successful career in politics and exploration.

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