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Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro conquered the native people they encountered through a combination of military superiority, strategic alliances with rival indigenous groups, exploiting internal divisions among the natives, and spreading diseases that devastated the local populations. They also utilized advanced weaponry, tactics, and superior leadership to achieve their conquests.

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Q: How did Cortes and Pizarro conquered the native people they encountered?
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Who were the native people that francisco Pizarro met?

Francisco Pizarro encountered the Inca Empire in South America, specifically in present-day Peru. The Inca people were the indigenous group that inhabited the region and were ultimately conquered by the Spanish conquistadors led by Pizarro.

How did Cortes interact with the native people he met?

Hernan Cortes initially established diplomatic relations with the native people he encountered in the Americas, such as the Aztecs in Mexico. However, his interactions eventually turned violent when he sought to conquer and colonize their lands. Cortes used a combination of military force, alliances with rival tribes, and strategies to undermine and overthrow native leaders like Montezuma.

What Native American culture did Cortes conquer?

Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico. The Aztecs were one of the most powerful and advanced civilizations in Mesoamerica at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century.

What was the preservation of culture of the people franciso Pizarro encountered?

The preservation of culture among the people encountered by Francisco Pizarro was limited due to the significant impact of Spanish colonization. Many aspects of indigenous cultures were suppressed or destroyed as the Spanish imposed their own beliefs, language, and customs on the native populations. The forced conversion to Christianity, exploitation of resources, and introduction of European diseases all contributed to the decline of traditional cultures in the region.

What were Hernan Cortes Beliefs and hobbies?

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who led the expedition that conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico. He was a devout Catholic and saw the conquest as a means to spread Christianity. As for hobbies, he had a passion for exploring new lands, creating maps, and studying native cultures.

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What were Hernan Cortes and Fransisco Pizarro known for?

They were spanish conquistadors that conquered great native american empires. The Aztec's, and Inca's respectively.

Which Spanish explorers claimed the most territory for their homeland Which native did they conquer?

Spanish explorers such as Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro claimed the most territory in the Americas for Spain. Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico, while Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire in present-day Peru.

The conquistadors Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro led invasions into the territory of what two native peoples?

Pizarro was with the Incas, and Cortes was with the Aztecs.

Who were the native people that francisco Pizarro met?

Francisco Pizarro encountered the Inca Empire in South America, specifically in present-day Peru. The Inca people were the indigenous group that inhabited the region and were ultimately conquered by the Spanish conquistadors led by Pizarro.

How sophisicated and technologically advanced were the native American societies encountered by Cortes?

How sophisticated and technologically advanced were the Native American societies encountered by Cortés

Which native American people were conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century?

Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztecs and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca empire.

Hernando Cortes and Francisco Pizarro led invasions into the territory of what two native peoples?

Mexico and Peru, in that order.

Did the Native Americans dis like francisco Pizarro?

yes because he conquered there country and killed there people .

How did spanish conquistadors treat the native americans they encountered?

The Spanish Conquistadors conquered the Native Americans because they wanted their gold.

Did Francisco Pizarro discover what he set out to discover?

Francisco Pizarro was a Spanishconquistador who conquered the native south American empier the Incas. He was never in the north American contniantexcept he was in Hispaniola and panama and died in south america

How did the success of Cortes in mexico affect other spanish explorers?

Most Spanish conquistadors were already looking for the riches of the New World; namely gold and silver. The only two conquistadors who actually conquered Native American empires were Cortes (Aztecs) and Francisco Pizarro (Incas). Most of the remaining conquistadors failed miserably, dying of tropical diseases, mutiny and hostile natives.

How did the success of Cortes Mexico affect other Spanish explorers?

Most Spanish conquistadors were already looking for the riches of the New World; namely gold and silver. The only two conquistadors who actually conquered Native American empires were Cortes (Aztecs) and Francisco Pizarro (Incas). Most of the remaining conquistadors failed miserably, dying of tropical diseases, mutiny and hostile natives.