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Not unless it is an extremely hot fire, such as a crematorium. In ordinary fires, no. The enamel of teeth will withstand very high heat- but not ALL heat.

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Yes, teeth can withstand high temperatures, but they may not burn up completely in a fire. The enamel on teeth is highly resistant to heat and can survive intense flames, but other components of the teeth may be damaged or destroyed.

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Why do people slash and burn their crops?

People slash and burn their crops to clear land quickly and efficiently for farming. This method involves cutting down and burning vegetation, which releases nutrients into the soil, making it more fertile for planting. However, it can have negative impacts on the environment by contributing to deforestation and soil degradation.

Does a 1 hour fire resistant door really only last 20 minutes before it burns up in fire?

No, a 1-hour fire-resistant door is designed to withstand fire for up to 1 hour before failing. The rating indicates the door's ability to resist fire penetration for a specific length of time, not that it will fail after 20 minutes.

How did people in the Stone age make fire How was fire made in the Stone Age?

People in the Stone Age made fire by rubbing sticks together to produce enough friction for a spark. Another method was to strike flint against pyrite, creating a spark that ignited dry tinder. Fire was crucial for cooking food, providing warmth, and offering protection.

What did the people of the Stone Ages use to clear land for farming with?

During the Stone Age, people used simple tools such as hand axes, adzes, and fire to clear land for farming. These tools allowed them to cut down trees, remove vegetation, and prepare the land for cultivation. Fire was particularly effective in creating open spaces by burning away obstacles like trees and bushes.

Which biome agriculture is commonly practiced in a cut-burn-cultivate-abandon mode?

Shifting cultivation is commonly practiced in tropical rainforest biomes in a cut-burn-cultivate-abandon cycle. This method involves clearing small plots of land, burning the vegetation to release nutrients, planting crops for a few seasons, then moving on to a new area once the soil fertility diminishes.

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Fire can burn still. Now I am not saying you can go up to a piece of still and light it on fire, you would need a really high temperature to do it.

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Why should you never put lighted Bunsen burner under a shelf?

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