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Absolutely, no, except for temple to Julius Caesar.. :) ok dats ol.. Peace yaw

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Yes, Cleopatra is known to have initiated several building projects and monuments during her reign as the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Some of her notable projects include the construction of the Caesarion Temple in Alexandria and the restoration of the Serapeum Temple. Cleopatra also added to the Ptolemaic Mausoleum and built a palace in Alexandria known as the "Royal Palace".

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Q: Did Cleopatra have any monuments and building projects?
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Are there any significant structures built for Cleopatra?

One of the most significant structures associated with Cleopatra is the Pharos Lighthouse in Alexandria, Egypt, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Cleopatra also commissioned various temples and monuments during her reign, including the Temple of Isis at Philae and the Temple of Horus at Edfu.

Were any significant structuers built for Cleopatra or region built for her?

Cleopatra was known for investing in the construction of various structures, including temples and palaces, throughout Egypt. However, there isn't a specific well-known structure built exclusively for her. She did contribute to the enhancement of existing monuments and cities during her reign.

Has Cleopatra's tomb been discovered yet?

No, Cleopatra's tomb has not been discovered at this time. They were actively searching for it in two likely places before the troubles in Egypt began. The search for her tomb has been put on hold for the time being.

What were Cleopatra artifacts?

Cleopatra artifacts included jewelry, coins, statues, and inscriptions bearing her image and name. Some significant artifacts associated with Cleopatra include the Rosetta Stone, which played a key role in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics, and the Temple of Dendera inscriptions that mention her contributions to the temple's reconstruction.

What was found in Cleopatra chamber after she died?

Historical records do not provide specific details of what was found in Cleopatra's chamber after her death. It is believed that her body was found alongside her two maidservants who had also died. The exact contents of her treasure chamber or personal belongings at the time of her death are not well documented.

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Monuments and building projects Cleopatra VII?

Cleopatra built no monuments nor did she undertake any monumental building projects as other pharaohs did. The only building that she did was a temple to Julius Caesar and her own tomb which was still unfinished at her death. It is said that she finished up one of her father's projects at the temple of Hathor and perhaps ordered a boat dock to be built by the temple.

Did Cleopatra build any monuments?

yes cleopatrea did build many monuments

What are the names of the monuments Cleopatra built?

Cleopatra never built any monuments. About the closest thing to a "monument" would be the temple she had build to Julius Caesar and a maternity house at the temple at Dendera.

Which monument did Cleopatra build?

Cleopatra did not build any monuments. The only thing that could be remotely considered a monument was the temple to Julius Caesar that she had built in Alexandria.

Where there any buildings built while Cleopatra was pharaoh?

The only building that was built when Cleopatra ruled was the temple to Julius Caesar. She started to build her own tomb, but it was unfinished at her death.

What were Cleopatra's needle and Focault's pendulum used for?

Focault's Pendulum refers to a large pendulum which is used to demonstrate or measure the rotation of the Earth. Cleopatra's Needle can refer to any of three ancient Egyptian obelisks which were transported to London, Paris and New York and re-erected as monuments.

Were any structure made by or for Cleopatra?

There were very few structures made by Cleopatra. Her tomb, a temple to Julius Caesar, a maternity house at the temple at Dendera, and a boat rest stop are all the building she did.

Did queen Cleopatra have any monuments buildingsor projects?

No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.No. Cleopatra was not a builder. The one project that she built was a temple to Julius Caesar, that was all.

Did Cleopatra name any off her children Cleopatra?

Yes, she named her daughter Cleopatra Selene.

Did Cleopatra have any ancestors?

Everyone had ancestors. Cleopatra was no exception.

Did Cleopatra own any pyramids?

Technically, Cleopatra owned all the pyramids. She was the queen and the queen (or king) in ancient Egypt owned the entire country. However if by "owning" the pyramids you mean did she build one, the answer is no. The age of pyramid building had been over by thousands of years before Cleopatra came to the throne.

Did Gustave have any more monuments?
