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talk about the tools and etc say how advanced it became.

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During the Paleolithic age, tools were primarily made from stones and bone, while in the Neolithic age, tools were made using polished stones, enabling more precise and efficient cutting. Additionally, agriculture was introduced during the Neolithic age, leading to the domestication of animals and plants, which allowed for settled communities to develop.

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Q: Compare the Technology of Paleolithic age with Neolithic age?
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Does the Stone Age have two periods?

Yes, the Stone Age is typically divided into two periods known as the Paleolithic and the Neolithic. The Paleolithic period spans from about 2.6 million years ago until around 10,000 BCE, while the Neolithic period lasted from approximately 10,000 BCE to 2,000 BCE. These periods are distinguished by advancements in technology, such as the use of stone tools in the Paleolithic and the development of agriculture in the Neolithic.

How were the Neolithic era and Paleolithic era different?

The Paleolithic era refers to the Old Stone Age, characterized by hunter-gatherer societies and simple tool use. The Neolithic era, or New Stone Age, saw the development of agriculture, permanent settlements, and more advanced tools and technology. The shift to agriculture in the Neolithic era led to significant societal changes, including the rise of complex civilizations.

Did the paleolithic age come before the neolithic age?

Yes, the Paleolithic Age came before the Neolithic Age. The Paleolithic Age is known for the use of simple stone tools and hunting and gathering lifestyles, while the Neolithic Age is characterized by the development of agriculture, animal domestication, and more advanced tools.

What are the two parts of the stone age are?

The two parts of the Stone Age are the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age. The Paleolithic Age is characterized by the use of simple tools and hunting-gathering lifestyle, while the Neolithic Age is marked by the development of agriculture and more complex societies.

Did the paleolithic age underwent the farming revolution?

No, the Paleolithic Age did not undergo the farming revolution. Farming began during the Neolithic Age, which followed the Paleolithic Age. The Neolithic Age is characterized by the development of agriculture and the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities.

Related questions

Compare Paleolithic and Neolithic ages?

they are both a age and they are from the same time. Paleothic is when the hunter/gathers were around and the Neolithic age is when they started to build perment shelters

What is the age after the Paleolithic age called?

The Neolithic Era

How were the Neolithic era and Paleolithic era different?

The Paleolithic era refers to the Old Stone Age, characterized by hunter-gatherer societies and simple tool use. The Neolithic era, or New Stone Age, saw the development of agriculture, permanent settlements, and more advanced tools and technology. The shift to agriculture in the Neolithic era led to significant societal changes, including the rise of complex civilizations.

Does the Stone Age have two periods?

Yes, the Stone Age is typically divided into two periods known as the Paleolithic and the Neolithic. The Paleolithic period spans from about 2.6 million years ago until around 10,000 BCE, while the Neolithic period lasted from approximately 10,000 BCE to 2,000 BCE. These periods are distinguished by advancements in technology, such as the use of stone tools in the Paleolithic and the development of agriculture in the Neolithic.

Did the paleolithic age come before the neolithic age?

Yes, the Paleolithic Age came before the Neolithic Age. The Paleolithic Age is known for the use of simple stone tools and hunting and gathering lifestyles, while the Neolithic Age is characterized by the development of agriculture, animal domestication, and more advanced tools.

Was diseases worse in the Paleolithic or neolithic age?

it was worse in the Paleolithic time period.

What is the same of Paleolithic and Neolithic?

they both have an ice age

What are the two parts of the stone age are?

The two parts of the Stone Age are the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age. The Paleolithic Age is characterized by the use of simple tools and hunting-gathering lifestyle, while the Neolithic Age is marked by the development of agriculture and more complex societies.

What was the transition from paleolithic age to neolithic age caused by?

global warming

Did the paleolithic age underwent the farming revolution?

No, the Paleolithic Age did not undergo the farming revolution. Farming began during the Neolithic Age, which followed the Paleolithic Age. The Neolithic Age is characterized by the development of agriculture and the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities.

What is the difference between the new and old stone age?

The main difference between the new Stone Age (Neolithic) and the old Stone Age (Paleolithic) is that the Neolithic Age saw the development of agriculture and settlement, leading to more complex societies, while the Paleolithic Age was characterized by a nomadic lifestyle of hunting and gathering. Additionally, the Neolithic Age marks the beginning of the use of polished stone tools and the domestication of animals.

When did the Neolithic age and the paleolithic start?

neolithic was around 10,000 B.C.(B.C.E.) and paleolithic was around 8,000 B.C.(B.C.E.)to 4,000 B.C.(B.C.E.).