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Ante-dating of a bill refers to the act of assigning a date prior to the actual date when the bill was issued. This can sometimes be done to gain an advantage or to mislead others about when the bill was actually created or due. Ante-dating is generally considered unethical and can be illegal in some circumstances.

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What do people use as tools to do cocane?

People usually use items like a razor blade or credit card to cut and divide the cocaine into lines for snorting. Other tools can include a mirror or glass surface for preparation, a straw or rolled-up bill for snorting, and a small spoon or vial for holding the cocaine.

Where can artifacts be found of the great plains?

Artifacts of the Great Plains can be found in archaeological sites, museums, and university collections throughout the region. Common artifacts include stone tools, pottery, and art pieces created by Indigenous peoples who have historically lived in the area. Some popular sites for viewing these artifacts include the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian and the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody, Wyoming.

What is a 1980 20 dollar cultura Maya worth?

The 1980 $20 bill featuring the Mayan culture is known as the "Mayan Sun God" note. In circulated condition, it is typically worth face value or slightly more to collectors. In uncirculated condition or with any unique characteristics, it may be worth more to collectors.

Who are the top 10 most famous speleologist?

Édouard-Alfred Martel - considered the father of modern speleology for his explorations in numerous caves. Norbert Casteret - known for his cave explorations in the Pyrenees. Bill Stone - pioneer in cave exploration technology. Hazel Barton - renowned for her research on cave microbiology. Tim Severin - famous for his expedition to discover the real story behind the legend of King Arthur. Chris Nicola - known for discovering the "Bilche Zlota" cave in Ukraine. Alwar Balasubramaniam - notable for his extensive exploration of Indian caves. Judith Dixon - prominent female speleologist known for her work in cave conservation. Warwick Armstrong - recognized for his exploration of Australian caves. Jules Desnoës - French speleologist known for his cave diving expeditions.

What is the value of a 1976 Hawaiian dollar?

The value of a 1976 Hawaiian dollar can vary depending on its condition and rarity. However, as of now, it is considered a token rather than legal tender, so its value is primarily sentimental or as a collectible item.

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What is an antedating?

An antedating is an act of marking with an earlier date, or of adding an earlier citation to something.

Which profession has the least suicide rate?

Durkheim claimed the Engineering profession, with a solid reputation for safety factors and down-to-earth calculations of risk, etc. by the way the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the C.O.E. was founded on 6.l6 of l775 thus the oldest specialized corps of the service, and antedating the revolution. Colonel John Stevens is generally considered the founder.

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Is antedates a noun?

The word antedates is both a noun and a verb.The noun antedate (antedates) is a date assigned to an event or document earlier than the actual date of the event or document.The verb antedate (antedates, antedating, antedated) is to date as of a time prior to that of execution; to assign to a date prior to that of actual occurrence; to precede in time.

Dimensions of bill?

That depends on what sort of bill you are asking about A $ bill. The bill of a bird etc. A governmental bill. A person called bill. A restaurant bill A bill of fayre etc.

What is the cable bill?

well a bill is a bill. and obviously a cable bill is a bill for cable.

Does a bill needs to go to a committee before it becomes a law?

Yes. the bill begins, the bill is proposed, the bill is introduced,the bill goes to committee, the bill is reported, the bill is debated, the bill is voted on, the bill is referred to the senat, the bill is sent to the president, the bill is law. Now several things can happen with each step like the bill being veto, and other things

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Some of the bills you can think about is a Sports Bill, Medical Bill, Insurance Bill, Education Bill, Medical Care Bill, Youth Bill, Women Bill, Safety Bill, Transport Bill and the Welfare bill.

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Properly speaking there was no such Monarch. Queen Victoria was given the title of Empress of India I believe in l887. This was engineered by her Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. Mr. Disraeli came up with the so-called (Royal Titles Bill) sometimesd called(Foreign Titles Bill) so Her Majesty could reign over both the United Kingdom as Queen and as Empress of India. The Royal Titles Bill self-destructed with the abandonment of India as a crown colony in I belileve l947, so Empress of India is NOT one of Elizabeth II"s royal titles, though FD (Fide Defensor) is still Ont he books and on the coins, the F.D. means defender of the faith, not Fire Department! Byt hje way strictly speaking the term British Empire was not official prior to the Royal titles Bill, theogh England had many colonies and dominions antedating this. By the way the phrase in the concluding antiphon of the Lord"s prayer rendered (Kingdom) in the King James Translation,(For thine is the Kingdom..) is rendered EMPIRE in the French translation-pour Vouse etes L"Empire! Different strokes(of Royal scepter) for different nationalities.

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