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mostly pumpkins were rode into town by their magestical power. they also rode on llamas for they are dragons in disguise.

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Q: What transport was there in the 1950's?
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Was it hard to get transport you the 1950s?

Yes it was because railroads sucked back then

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Well they all walked. But 90% of them got ran over by a horse.

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Because america wanted roads to transport themselves to different places.

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The concept of super sonic transport started in the mid 1950s. The Concorde's first flight was in March 2, 1969

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Following World War Two, Australia had been changed by the end of 1950's by communism, transport and technology

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Many UK emigrants arrived in Australia in the 1950s by cruise ship. The Australian government subsidised the fares. The passengers had to pay 50 pounds. It was also possible to fly from the UK to Australia in the 1950s, although not non-stop. In later years, UK emigrants arrived by plane too.

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Life in Liverpool in the 1950s was grim

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When did air transport start to grow?

Air transport began to experience significant growth after World War II, with advancements in technology and infrastructure, such as the development of jet engines and larger commercial aircraft. The 1950s and 1960s saw a surge in commercial air travel as airlines expanded their routes and services to meet increasing demand.

Mass media in the 1950s?

Playboy= something that guys read...came out in the 1950s

What kind of sports were in the 1950s?

Baseball, football, basketball and hockey were popular in the 1950s.