Accelerando (gradually getting faster).
TempoAn accelerando
The car accelerando
Accelerando - novel - has 400 pages.
Accelerando means "gradually getting faster" or "accelerating".
Accelerando - novel - was created on 2005-07-05.
Accelerando is a musical term that instructs the musician to increase in tempo.
Ritardando means to gradually slow down the tempo or speed of the music, while accelerando means to gradually speed up the tempo of the music. Ritardando is marked with "rit." or "ritard." in the score, while accelerando is marked with "accel." or "accelerando."
The Italian term for gradual increase in tempo is "accelerando."
'Accelerando' isn't Spanish, it's Italian and it's not spelt 'accelerando', it's actually spelt as accerlerando. It means 'gradually get faster.'