It could be bought with 5 different engines.
Very few were sold with the dealer installed optional V8s as it added 75% to the price of the vehicle.
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the 1969 Chevrolet Nova Manual are 390 Horsepower and 240 km/h respectively.
The power of the engine and the maximum speed of the 1975 Chevrolet Nova Sedan automatic are 220 hp and 119 mph respectively.
That will vary according to the engine and transmission.
that all depends on the rear gearing and the engine.
153 cubic inches
The 1987 Chevrolet Nova timing belt is located on the front of the engine. You will need to remove the engine cover in order to see the timing belt.
the nova was made by Chevrolet.
Chevrolet Nova production lasted 23 years, and was alternating. there are 5 editions of the Chevrolet Nova. see the link below (related links).
Chevrolet is by itself. Other GM makes can be interchanged with each other, but not Chevy.
A chevvy big block engine is a powerful, high performance engine that is installed in large trucks. Example of trucks that have chevvy big block engines include the Chevrolet Corvette and the Chevrolet Nova.
The 350 was first installed in the 1967 Camaro as a performance option. The rest of the car lines in Chevrolet received the engine over the next couple of years. Nova got it in 1968.
The Chevrolet Nova had a production run of more than 2.3 million vehicles. The Chevrolet Nova model was introduced in 1963.