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Any vehicle is the personal property of whoever owns it.

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Q: Is a vintage 1967 Chevrolet considered personal propery?
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When is a perfume bottle declared vintage?

Its declared vintage when it is considered to be an antique piece.

How long does it take for a bag to become vintage?

Items are generally considered vintage if they are 20 or more years old. Currently, items that are considered vintage are ones that were from the 1990s or older.

Is Peugeot 106 considered vintage?

No the Peugeot 106 is not considered vintage. This is true because the Peugeot 106 was made in the year 1991. To be a vintage car you have to be around for more the 20 years

How old does a piece of furnature need to be to be considered vintage?

For an old piece of furnature to be considered vintage it has to be 30 years old or older. In todays society, if a piece of furnature is real old and a make you do not see today, it is vintage.

What year is vintage bus?

"Vintage" doesn't refer to a specific year... if a bus manufacturer went out of business last year, their buses could be considered vintage.

Where can someone purchase a 1950 Chevrolet?

There are a few places where one can purchase a 1950 Chevrolet. One can approach a classic (vintage) car dealership. Alternatively, one can try forums such as Chevytalk.

What is vintage Nike?

Vintage Nike is Nike clothing or shoes that is no longer considered modern. As it is currently 2013, most would consider any Nike item from the 1980s or earlier to be vintage style.

What makes an item of clothing to be considered vintage?

An item of clothing is considered vintage if it is second hand or the style originates for a previous era. These items can be purchased from retail stores, flea markets, antique markets.

What is a vintage motorcycle?

A vintage motorcycle is a motorcycle produced before a certain year. Motorcycles produced in the 1970's and years previous are considered "vintage". The best IMO are vintage British bikes, nothing beats a 1960's BSA or Triumph!

How difficult is it to find parts for classic Chevys?

Its actually not that difficult to find vintage Chevrolet parts. Edmonds and Hemmings Motor News both have ongoing publications where you can buy these parts. There are also companies that reproduce vintage parts.

Is my great grandmothers necklace considered vintage?

There are many online shops that sell vintage jewelry. is one of online shop that sells vintage jewelry with any kind of models. You can visit

How old does a piece of jewelry have to be to be considered vintage?

I believe it is 10yrs but am open to correction