7-11-11>>> 1937 Buffalo nickels are very common with values from 10 cents to $1.25 for most circulated coins.
Value is 10 cents to $1.25 depending on grade.
1937 is an extremely common date for buffalo nickels. Most are worth less than a dollar.
Value is 10 cents to $1.25 depending on grade.
Average value is $1.00-$3.00 for most circulated coins.
Buffalo Bill never appeared on a U.S. nickel. A 1937 nickel has a picture of a Native American chieftan on the front, and a buffalo (animal) on the back.
In the grade of EF-40 the coin has a retail value of $3.00.
How much is a buffallo nickel worth
Average coins are $1.00-$3.00
Without further information its worth a nickel.
In the US, a nickel is worth 5 cents.
about a nickel.
Please check the date on your coin again and post a new question. The last Buffalo nickel was struck in 1938.