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Q: Did they have cars in 1846?
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Was it leap year in 1846?

1846 is not a leap year.

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What is Iowa year of statehood?

On 28 December 1846, Iowa was admitted to the Union as the 29th state.Iowa was admitted into the Union on December 28, 1846 becoming the 29th state to join the Union.

What were the years of the Mexican- American War?

From 1846 to 1848.

What planet was not discover until 1846?

"Neptune" was discovered on September 23, 1846.

What is the date of birth of Rebecca J Cole?

she was borm 1846 she was borm 1846

What is the Roman numeral of 1846?

The number (or year) 1846 in Roman numerals is MDCCCXLVI

What year did the Wilmot Proviso take place?

It was first introduced in 1846.

When did the war between Mexico and the US start?

On 13 May 1846, the US congress declared war on Mexico. Mexico never declared war on the United States.

What are the dates of the Mexican war?

the first war was on April 25th,1846(1846-1848)

What area was added to the US in 1846?

Iowa joined the Union on December 28, 1846.

When did the us army fight the Mexican-American war?
