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Africans were needed as slaves in the West Indies due to the high demand for labor in European colonies to work on sugar plantations. The indigenous population was decimated by European diseases and harsh working conditions, making Africans a preferred choice for labor due to their resistance to these diseases and perceived ability to withstand the demanding work. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade provided a constant supply of forced labor from Africa to the West Indies.

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Q: Why were Africans were needed as slaves in the west indies?
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Why did the europeans in the west indies used africans rather then native Americans as slaves?

Europeans used Africans as slaves in the West Indies for several reasons, including resistance by Native Americans, higher immunity of Africans to diseases, cultural differences, and the availability of Africans through the transatlantic slave trade. Native Americans were also more likely to escape due to their knowledge of the land.

In the triangular trade what did slaves trade in Africa?

In the triangular trade, slaves were traded for goods such as textiles, alcohol, firearms, and other manufactured goods in Africa. These goods were then transported to the Americas to be traded for enslaved Africans.

Could sugar have become so important in west indies with out the use of enslaved African?

No, the production of sugar in the West Indies relied heavily on enslaved African labor due to its labor-intensive nature and the need for a large workforce. Enslaved Africans were crucial for the establishment and growth of sugar plantations in the region, making their exploitation integral to the sugar industry's success.

What kind of Africans were chosen to be slaves?

Africans from various ethnic groups and regions were chosen to be slaves, with a focus on those who were captured in wars, raids, or by traders along the coast of West Africa. Slavery was not limited to a specific group, as individuals could be enslaved regardless of their ethnic background.

What are the 3 legs of the Triangular Trade in Africa?

The three legs of the Triangular Trade in Africa were: The first leg involved European merchants traveling to Africa to trade goods such as textiles, weapons, and alcohol in exchange for slaves. The second leg involved the transportation of enslaved Africans to the Americas (mainly the Caribbean and North America) on the infamous Middle Passage. The final leg involved the return voyage to Europe with valuable products like sugar, cotton, and tobacco produced by enslaved Africans on plantations in the Americas.

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The middle passage refers to the part of the triangular trade system that carried?

Africans from Africa to the west Indies and north America

What was the triangle of trade?

the triangle trade is when ships left from britai traded goods with africans for slaves then to them to America and the west indies and then sold the slaves for cotton and sugar

What was the forced journey that brought captured Africans to the West Indies?

It was called the Middle Passage . When Africans were carried overseas to the colonies and the West Indies

Why were slaves kept in the west indies?

Slaves were kept in the West Indies to grow and harvest sugar and molesses.

Why was the middle passage?

The "middle passage" or second leg was where the slaves were transported to the west indies. There enslaved Africans were exchanged for sugar, molasses, and other products.

What were the destinations of the African slaves?

West Indies and British colonies West Indies and British colonies

Did slavery have a greater impact on the West Indies or on West Africa?

Study shows that there was an impact on both the West Indies and on West Africa. The impact on West Africa for the most part was just negative, while the West Indies received alot of positive impacts due to the factor : Slavery. West Africa suffered a population decrease, while due to slavery the West Indies' population was increasing. Since the Europeans were trading with the Africans, the Africans were getting guns and other weapons which caused them to lower their values because they were killing up their own people in tribal wars, while the Europeans were trading the African for slaves that they used as laborers on their plantations to make themselves wealthier. In conclusion, I have found out that slavery has had an impact on both West Africa and the West Indies. However, the impact in the Americas or West Indies was positive, while the impact was negative for the Africans of West Africa.

What were slaves traded for in West Indies?


What was the major factor that leads to mass movement of West Africans to the West Indies?


Who were the slaves and what did they do?

Most slaves were Africans. Either kidnapped, or outright bought, and brought to the US, to the west indies or pretty much wherever cheap labour was needed. There they were forced to work, work and work. No right to leave, no right to holidays, no right to anything. They were bought and sold like furniture or livestock.

Which product went from the west indies to England in the triangular trade?

Slaves, sugar, molasses, and fruit went from the West Indies to England in the Triangular Trade.

Which colony were enslaved africans brought to the west indies?

south carolina