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I assume you speak of the true controversy that exists in anthropology. Basically this is an argument between " lumpers " and " splitters. " The lumpers want to lump all the various branches of hominids together in a tighter family, thus showing a ancestral progression that is able to be followed easily. The splitters cleave the various hominids onto many more species thus making it very hard to follow the ancestral trail. This is not meant to explain all here, but to give one reason for the controversies in this area.

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The controversy stems from conflicting beliefs, ideologies, and interpretations of scientific evidence. Some individuals may reject the theory of evolution due to religious beliefs or lack of understanding of the evidence. Additionally, the complexity of the topic and the constantly evolving nature of scientific research contribute to ongoing debates.

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Q: Why is there still so much controversy over the evolution of humans from hominids?
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How long did Hominids live?

Hominids are a family of primates that includes humans and our closest extinct relatives. They have existed for around 6 to 7 million years. Various species of hominids have lived for different lengths of time, with some species being around for a few hundred thousand years and others, like modern humans, having existed for around 200,000 years.

What hominids first developed speech?

Homo sapiens sapiens, anatomically modern humans, are believed to be the first hominids to have developed speech. This ability likely evolved around 300,000 years ago. Other hominids, such as Neanderthals, also had the anatomical structures necessary for speech but the extent of their linguistic capabilities is still debated among researchers.

Why is there no evolution in humans now?

Evolution is an ongoing process that occurs over many generations. In humans, changes due to evolution may be slower because of factors like modern medicine, which reduces selective pressures. However, evolution is still happening in humans, but the changes may be more subtle or take longer to become noticeable.

What is human evolution?

Human evolution is the process by which modern humans have evolved from earlier hominid species over millions of years. It involves changes in physical and behavioral characteristics that have helped humans adapt to their environment and improve their chances of survival and reproduction. The study of human evolution involves understanding how these changes occurred and what factors have influenced the development of the human species.

From where does first human came?

The first humans are believed to have originated in Africa. The exact time and place of their emergence is still debated among scientists, but the current understanding is that early humans evolved from ape-like ancestors in Africa around 6-7 million years ago.

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How long did Hominids live?

Hominids are a family of primates that includes humans and our closest extinct relatives. They have existed for around 6 to 7 million years. Various species of hominids have lived for different lengths of time, with some species being around for a few hundred thousand years and others, like modern humans, having existed for around 200,000 years.

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What hominids still live on Earth today?

There are two meanings of the word "hominid".One definition is "a member of the family Hominidae". That includes species in the genera Homo, Pan, Gorilla, and Pongo (humans, chimps and bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans).By the other definition (Homo sapiens, and species more closely related to it than to the genus Pan), the only hominids still alive on Earth are humans.

Why is the theory of evolution still so controversial all these years?

The controversy surrounding the theory of evolution often stems from conflicts with religious beliefs, misconceptions about the evidence supporting it, and lack of understanding about what the theory actually entails. Additionally, some people may find the idea of humans evolving from other species challenging to accept due to its implications on notions of identity and purpose.

What hominids first developed speech?

Homo sapiens sapiens, anatomically modern humans, are believed to be the first hominids to have developed speech. This ability likely evolved around 300,000 years ago. Other hominids, such as Neanderthals, also had the anatomical structures necessary for speech but the extent of their linguistic capabilities is still debated among researchers.

Why is there no evolution in humans now?

Evolution is an ongoing process that occurs over many generations. In humans, changes due to evolution may be slower because of factors like modern medicine, which reduces selective pressures. However, evolution is still happening in humans, but the changes may be more subtle or take longer to become noticeable.

Is human evolution still happening?

Yes, human evolution is still occurring, but at a slower pace than in the past due to factors like modern medicine and technology. Evolution is driven by changes in the environment and genetic variations that provide advantages for survival and reproduction. So, as long as humans continue to adapt to their environment and genetic variations exist, evolution will continue.

The work of which scientist caused controversy that still exists today-?

Darwin was the scientist that caused controversy that still exists today.

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beouse you a

How did the out of Africa hypothesis influence the evolution of modern humans?

The evolution of modern humans influenced the out of Africa hypothesis. Humans have a determinable migration pattern by the tracing of haplotypes and their variation as humans apparently moved from continent to continent. The in place hypothesis can not account for the haplotype similarities by positing interbreeding because many peoples are almost breeding isolates, such as the tribes of the Amazon, yet they still can be traced from their point of origin with genetic typing. Thus any interbreeding with proto-human populations in place was swamped by the genotypes of the out of Africa migration of modern humans.

How do you know you are a animal?

Humans are in fact animals, as opposed to plants or bacteria and the like. It is true that God or evolution or whatever you believe in gave humans extra skills that we all can list with no problem, yet we are still considered animals, mammals more specifically.