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It's a question of chronology, time.

Dinosaurs appeared long before humans. Then, due to a meteor strike the climate on earth changed and the dinosaurs died out. Long after that, humans appeared.

If the meteor hadn't struck, dinosaurs would probably have lived on.

Or maybe they'd still been beaten by the mammals, only slower.

And maybe humans had never appeared. O maybe we had. No one can tell.

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9mo ago

Dinosaurs went extinct around 65 million years ago, while humans evolved much later. There was no overlap in their existence on Earth as dinosaurs disappeared long before humans appeared.

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No. While the Bible mentions such beasts as "leviathans" and "behemoths" it is highly improbable that those were dinosaurs, because this directly violates strong scientific evidence that humans and dinosaurs live 65 million years apart. In fact, it would have been impossible for humans to arise without the dinosaurs becoming extinct first. Since dinosaurs dominated the Earth in the past, the mammals of the time were forced to remain small and insignificant, and only when they died out could mammals grow and diversify and for humans to eventually evolve. It is likely that the large beasts mentioned in the Bible were some other form of large animal, because it would have been impossible for dinosaurs and humans to successfully (and peacefully) coexist.

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Dinosaurs pre-date humans therefore there were no humans prior to the Dinosaurs.

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why did dinosaurs walk the planet, because they couldnt get their feet on the bicycle pedals

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no dinosaurs were reptiles and we are mammals.

Who was first jusus or dinosaurs?

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