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Homo erectus is the closest known relative to modern humans.

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4mo ago

Modern humans' closest living relatives are chimpanzees and bonobos, sharing a common ancestor around 6-7 million years ago. These primates are part of the family Hominidae, which also includes gorillas and orangutans.

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Who Is the closest relative to modern humans.?

Homo erectus is the closest known relative to modern humans.

Is the closest relative to modern humans.?

Homo erectus is the closest known relative to modern humans.

Who is the closest relative to modern humans homo erectus or Australopithecines or Cro Magnon or Homo habilis?

Cro-Magnon were early modern humans. They evolved into modern Europeans.

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Chimpanzees are our closest living relative. We share 98% of their dna codes.

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The phylum Chordata is considered to be the closest relative to humans. Within Chordata, the subphylum Vertebrata, which includes animals with a backbone, is the most closely related to humans.

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Humans are the closest relative of the monkey. Some people belive that we evolved from them long ago. Humans are the closest relative of the monkey. Some people belive that we evolved from them long ago.

Who is the closest relative to modern humans homo erectus or Australopithecines or Cro-Magnon or Homo habilis?

Homo erectus is the closest relative to modern humans out of the options provided. They are believed to be direct ancestors of Homo sapiens, while Australopithecines, Cro-Magnon, and Homo habilis are not as closely related in the evolutionary timeline.

Which organism would be classified as most closely related to humans?

Well, all animals are relatives of humans. WORMS are related to humans. But the closest relative currently is the Chimp, BUT, the closest relative throughout history EVER would be Homo neanderthalensis AKA Neaderthal OR Cavemen. Even now, they are so closely related to modern humans that our direct ancestors from Neaderthals time are STILL not as related to us as the Neaderthals were.

Is a bear the closest relative to a dog by DNA?

Bears are from the family ursidae, while dogs are from canidae, making their closest relative the dingo.

What animals are humans closely relatated to?

Bonobo. It is a type of Chimp!

What type of ape do scientists think are humans closest relatives?

Chimpanzees and bonobos are considered to be the closest living relatives of humans. They share about 98-99% of their DNA with humans and are believed to have split from a common ancestor with humans around 6-8 million years ago.