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Thee is no such language as African.

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The word is "patty-roller," a term used in Africa to refer to slave catchers.

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Q: What word is an African word for slave catchers?
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What ways did the African slave system differ from the colonial slave system?

The African slave system typically involved slaves being integrated into society and having the potential to gain social mobility, while the colonial slave system focused on dehumanizing slaves and perpetuating generational enslavement. Additionally, the African slave system often relied on war captives or debtors, whereas the colonial slave system relied heavily on transatlantic slave trade.

Why did the European need the African slave trade in the Americas?

Europeans needed African slave labor in the Americas to work on plantations and in mines, as the indigenous population was not numerous enough or resistant to diseases. The African slave trade provided a constant supply of labor for the growing colonial economies.

How did exploration change the African slave trade?

Exploration expanded the reach of the African slave trade by opening up new markets for enslaved people in the Americas. European powers sought slaves to work in their colonies, leading to an increase in demand for African captives. This demand resulted in intensified slave raids and increased the scale of the transatlantic slave trade.

How did an african become a slave?

Africans became slaves through various means, such as being captured in wars, being kidnapped, or being sold by other Africans. European colonizers played a significant role in the transatlantic slave trade by forcibly enslaving Africans and transporting them to the Americas to work on plantations.

What is NOT a factor that contributed to African involvement in the slave trade?

One factor that did not contribute to African involvement in the slave trade is the desire to promote economic development and growth within their own societies. The slave trade was primarily driven by European demand for labor and African politics such as intertribal wars and alliances.

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Why were slave catchers allowed to caputre African ameri can in a free state?

no, I cannot answer this question!

What are the release dates for Slave Catchers Slave Resistors - 2005 TV?

Slave Catchers Slave Resistors - 2005 TV was released on: USA: 26 May 2005

Which countries were involved in the African slave trade key word African slave trade people just African?

ivory coast

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What are the people called that catch slaves?

Slave catchers

Where did the slave catchers catch Kunta?

Kunta was first caught by slave catchers in his home of Mandinka village of The Gambia. He also was caught on other occasions when he was a slave in America and had the front half of his foot cut off from escaping.

What would happen if regular citizens refused to assist slave catchers?

If regular citizens refused to assist slave catchers, it could disrupt the operation of the slave system by hindering the capture and return of escaped slaves. This resistance could potentially undermine the effectiveness of slave catchers and could lead to increased public awareness and debate about the issue of slavery.

What were people called that hunted slaves?

The simple answer for this question would be Slave hunters or Slave catchers..

What did slave catchers get if they caught Harriet?

They get an award of 40,000 dollars.

What were some of some of harriet Tubman setbacks?

Slave catchers

Who was a constant danger along the underground railroad?

Slave Catchers

Did slave catchers use muskets to threaten slaves?

yes, they did and they wrathed them with it.