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The first settlement in Africa for freed slaves was Freetown in Sierra Leone. It was established in 1787 as a resettlement for freed slaves from Britain and the Americas.

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What impacted the slave trade have on Africa?

Some African states became dependent on the slave trade and European goods

What were the effects of the slave trade on the Americas and on Africa?

The slave trade had devastating effects on both the Americas and Africa. In the Americas, it led to the brutal exploitation and dehumanization of enslaved Africans, contributing to the economic prosperity of European colonizers. In Africa, the slave trade resulted in the loss of millions of people through violence, displacement, and disrupted societies, leading to long-term social, political, and economic consequences.

What word is an African word for slave catchers?

The word is "patty-roller," a term used in Africa to refer to slave catchers.

The slave trade that began in the 16th century had all of the following effects upon Africa except?

The slave trade that began in the 16th century had various effects on Africa, including widespread depopulation, disrupted societies, and economic instability. One effect that it did not have on Africa was the spread of advanced industrial technology.

How did the Atlantic slave trade lead to the stagnation of Africa's culture and economy?

The Atlantic slave trade led to the displacement and loss of many skilled craftsmen and professionals in Africa, destabilizing local economies and traditional societies. This loss of human capital weakened Africa's ability to develop and innovate, leading to a stagnation of its culture and economy as resources were extracted to supply the demand for slave labor.

Related questions

Why did Quakers support settlements of freed slave in Africa?

Quakers supported the settlement of freed slaves in Africa because they believed it would result in a better life for freemen.

Capital of freed slave colony in Africa?

Monrovia, Liberia.

Why did slave holders support settlement of freed slaves in Africa?

Slave holders supported the settlement of freed slaves in Africa because they believed it would alleviate racial tensions and maintain white dominance in America. They also thought it would remove potential sources of rebellion and free up labor for white workers. Additionally, some saw it as a way to promote colonization and expand U.S. influence abroad.

Why did slave holders support settlement of freed slaves?

Some slave holders supported the settlement of freed slaves because it could reduce the threat of rebellions or uprisings by providing an outlet for the growing free Black population. Additionally, they believed that by resettling freed slaves, they could maintain social order and continue to benefit from their labor in a more controlled setting.

Why did slaveholdes support settlement of freed slaves in Africa?

They wanted to keep freemen away from slaves. (Apex)

If you were a freed slave during the US Civil War what identification was given to show that you are a freed slave?

Your owner would give you a document stateing that you are a freed slave.

Who was the first freed slave?

It was several thousand years ago, and no records. Sorry.

What is a freedman?

A slave who is freed by his slave owner

Who was a freed slave who gave speeches in the north?

Frederick Douglass was a freed slave who gave speeches in the north.

Freed slave abolitionist lawyer?

Freed slaves abolitionist lawyer fought against slave trade.

How would a master show that he freed his slave?

If someone new the slave, and wondered where he was, the master would tell him that he freed his slave because of a certain reason

In the slave trade how could a slave be promoted?

They could be freed.