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This is known as cultural heritage. It refers to the practices, beliefs, values, and artifacts that are passed down through generations and contribute to a community's identity and sense of belonging.

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Q: What values traditions and customs handed down from one and ancestors is known as .?
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What are the similarities and differences of Asian and African tradition and values?

Both Asian and African traditions place a strong emphasis on respect for elders and ancestors, as well as the importance of community and family ties. However, there are differences in specific customs and beliefs, such as in the practice of religion, language, and cultural practices. Overall, both regions have rich and diverse traditions that reflect their unique histories and experiences.

How much do you about Africa's values and traditions?

I have a general understanding of Africa's diverse values and traditions, which vary widely across the continent's 54 countries and countless ethnic groups. These values often emphasize community, respect for elders, storytelling, music, dance, and spiritual practices. Africa's traditions include rituals, ceremonies, and customs that have been passed down through generations and play a significant role in shaping the continent's rich cultural heritage.

What are the explanations of components of culture?

Culture is typically made up of several components, including language, beliefs, values, norms, customs, traditions, and art. Language enables communication, beliefs and values shape perspectives and behaviors, norms guide social interactions, customs and traditions create a sense of identity and continuity, and art reflects cultural expressions and creativity. Together, these components help shape and define a group's way of life and shared identity.

What is missing from the diagram showing the relationship among human migration ideas and customs?

The cultural context in which human migration occurs may be missing from the diagram. Factors such as beliefs, values, traditions, and social norms influence the ideas and customs associated with migration. Including these cultural aspects can provide a more comprehensive understanding of how migration shapes and is shaped by society.

What is the values and traditions of africans?

Africans have diverse values and traditions that vary across different cultures and regions. Some common values include respect for elders, community cohesion, and spirituality. Traditional practices such as storytelling, music, dance, and ceremonies play an important role in preserving and passing on cultural heritage.

Related questions

What is the difference between values and traditions?

Values are principles or beliefs that guide individual or group behavior, while traditions are customs or practices that are handed down from generation to generation. Values tend to be more abstract and personal, while traditions are more concrete and shared among a community or culture.

What are the customs and traditions of values?

Customs and traditions are specific practices and rituals passed down over generations within a community. Values are the beliefs and principles that guide behavior and decision-making within a society. Both customs/traditions and values play a significant role in shaping cultural identity and fostering social cohesion.

What offspring abides thus?

The offspring that abides are those that follow the rules and expectations set forth by their parents or ancestors. They uphold traditions, values, and customs that have been passed down through generations.

What is customs and tradition?

Customs are actions that are performed because the culture values them. Traditions can be actions, food that is made, or clothing and games that are valued by the culture.

What clothes foods customs traditions values music art etc makes American culture?

Mc Donalds

Are the traditions and values of the Japanese similar to Filipino values and traditions?

Japanese traditions and values originate in Shinto, Buddhism and the warrior-ruled feudal system (later defined as Bushido).Phillipino traditions and values originate in Tantrism, Islam and European colonization.They would therefore by definition have to be very different.

How are your traditions and values similar and different from them?

Our traditions are similar in that they often reflect our core values and beliefs, helping to shape our identity and strengthen bonds within the community. However, they can be different in the specific practices or customs that are followed based on region, culture, or personal interpretations of those values. It's this blending of tradition and individuality that keeps our customs dynamic and meaningful.

What are the values and traditions in the story?

The values in the story include bravery, loyalty, and family unity as the main characters overcome challenges together. The traditions observed in the story may involve rituals, ceremonies, or customs that are significant to the characters' culture and heritage.

How was our heritage handed down before the written word?

Our heritage was handed down through oral traditions such as storytelling, songs, dances, and rituals. Elders passed down knowledge, history, and cultural practices from generation to generation through spoken word and experiential learning. This method of transmission allowed for the preservation and sharing of customs, beliefs, and values within communities.

What are the similarities and differences of Asian and African tradition and values?

Both Asian and African traditions place a strong emphasis on respect for elders and ancestors, as well as the importance of community and family ties. However, there are differences in specific customs and beliefs, such as in the practice of religion, language, and cultural practices. Overall, both regions have rich and diverse traditions that reflect their unique histories and experiences.

What are three words that have a similar meaning to cultures?

civilizations, societies, lifestyles; customs, traditions, heritages, habits, ways, mores, values.

What are the traditions and values in the Philippines?

what is the traditions and values of philippines