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Longitudinal research method would be the most appropriate for a study of cultural changes over long periods of time. This method involves collecting data from the same group of subjects over an extended period, allowing for the observation of changes over time within the same cultural context.

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Q: What research method would be most appropriate for a study of cultural changes over long periods of time?
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The main goal of cultural anthropology is to?

The main goal of cultural anthropology is to understand and document the diverse ways in which societies and cultures function. This is done through the study of human behavior, beliefs, practices, and customs across different populations and time periods.

What is archival research in anthropology?

Archival research in anthropology involves investigating and analyzing original documents, records, and data sources to understand past cultures, societies, and behaviors. Anthropologists use archives such as historical documents, manuscripts, photographs, and artifacts to gain insights into the historical contexts of their research subjects. By examining primary sources, anthropologists can reconstruct and interpret aspects of human life and behavior from different time periods.

How are changes of earth similar to human beings?

Both the Earth and human beings experience changes over time as a part of their natural processes. Both can undergo periods of growth, transformation, and adaptation in response to various internal and external factors, shaping their evolution and development. Additionally, both the Earth and humans can face challenges and consequences as a result of these changes, highlighting the interconnectedness and vulnerability of all living systems.

How did the anthropologists designate early human culture?

Anthropologists designated early human culture as belonging to distinct periods, such as the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic, based on the technology and cultural practices of those times. These designations help us understand the development and progression of human cultural evolution over time.

What term for the study of humans and their culture?

Anthropology is the term for the study of humans and their culture. It encompasses various subfields such as cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and physical anthropology. Anthropologists seek to understand human behavior, beliefs, social structures, and practices across different societies and time periods.

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Seasons :)

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Why do eras stop and start?

Eras in history are typically defined by significant changes, such as political revolutions, technological advancements, or cultural shifts. These changes mark the end of one era and the beginning of another as societies evolve and adapt to new circumstances. Additionally, historians may retroactively classify time periods into eras based on these defining characteristics.

What do you call changes in a species over long periods of time?

It's Evolution

What are the causes of inter-glacial periods?

Inter-glacial periods are caused by changes in Earth's orbit and tilt, which affect the amount and distribution of solar radiation reaching the planet's surface. These changes lead to shifts in climate patterns, including periods of warmer temperatures that characterize inter-glacial periods. Additionally, factors such as greenhouse gas concentrations and volcanic activity can also influence the onset and duration of inter-glacial periods.

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No, the size of the sun remains relatively stable over short periods of time. The sun does go through changes over long periods, but these changes occur gradually over millions of years.

Into how many parts the paleolithic age is sub divided?

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