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Animals they killed and what happened that day


Neanderthals did not draw. There is no evidence for them to have drawn. There is some speculation on some rocks that look like two eyes and a face, but this is the most we have found.

The ability to draw in humans developed some 50,000 years ago with the first modern humans in a phase known as "behavioral modernity". Although the human being evolved 200,000 years ago, the most common ancestor of all modern humans is from a small group of a little over 1,000 individuals from 50,000 years ago. The best we can understand from this is that the human body stopped evolving 200,000 years ago, but the human brain continued evolving until 50,000 years ago. This group of some +1,000 individuals out competed, ate, or exterminated every other group of humans and hominids until it was the only one left. There is some evidence of Neanderthal-human hybrids. But we are inconclusive. It was at this time when we had exterminated all other hominids that cave paintings began. I have seen cave paintings of Neanderthals being killed by humans but I have no source, so take that with a grain of salt until official notice by credible sources.

Ultimately, we do speculate that they did use make up and medicine, and for this they used local resources like fruits and berries and grounded bark.

However, there has yet to surface conclusive evidence that Neanderthals drew anything at all.

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10mo ago

Neanderthals used a variety of materials for paint, including minerals like ochre, charcoal, and manganese dioxide. They would mix these substances with binders such as animal fat or saliva to create pigments for painting cave walls, bodies, or objects. This artistic expression suggests a level of creativity and cultural complexity among Neanderthals.

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14y ago

neanderthals used rocks and bone to sharpen and carve there tools

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14y ago

they used other rocks!

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Neanderthals were probably the first early people to?

Neanderthals were not the first early humans, but they were a distinct human species that lived alongside Homo sapiens. They had a similar level of intelligence and even interbred with early humans. Neanderthals became extinct around 40,000 years ago.

What is one way the lifestyle of Cro magnons differed from the lifestyle of neanderthals?

Cro-Magnon were known to paint on cave walls.

What hunting techniques did neanderthals use?

The hunting techniques did the Neanderthals used included catching fish with their hands. They also beat their prey with their hands.

Did the Neanderthals use fossil fuels?

No, Neanderthals did not use fossil fuels. They lived around 400,000 to 40,000 years ago, long before the use of fossil fuels became prevalent in human society. Neanderthals relied on fire for warmth, cooking, and protection.

What different thing did the neanderthals use as shelter?

They mostly used caves.

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The Neanderthals made the paint out of red, orange, and black powder probably mixed with animal blood and fat.

Did neanderthals paint and carve anything?

No they did not their ancient ancestors did

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Paint on cave walls.

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Who was the first artist in the world?

This is a tricky one to answer it depends on what you class as 'artist',after all the Neanderthals would paint scenes in caves it was classed as art so therefore the first artists would be Neanderthals.

What did neanderthals use for shelter?

They lived in caves.

What culture was responsible for Paleolithic art of Lascaux was?

The Neanderthals, of course. Cro-Magnon couldn't paint to save his life.

What is on way that the lifestyle of cro-magnons differed from the lifestyle of neanderthals?

Cro-Magnon were known to paint on cave walls.