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Animal domesticator, berry and nut finder.

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Q: What is another name for Hunters and gatherers?
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What is the difference between hunters and gatherers?

Hunters primarily rely on hunting animals for food, while gatherers focus on gathering plants, fruits, nuts, and other natural resources. Hunters often use tools like weapons to capture their prey, while gatherers use their knowledge of the environment to find and collect food. Hunter-gatherer societies typically exhibit a combination of hunting and gathering activities for survival.

Is a Kwakiutl Indian a gatherers Hunters or Farmers?

Kwakiutl Indians were primarily hunters and gatherers, relying on fishing, hunting marine mammals, and gathering wild plants for their food sources. Agriculture was not a main focus of their economy.

What are the main problems faced by hunters and gatherers?

Some main problems faced by hunters and gatherers include unpredictable food sources, exposure to natural elements, competition with other groups for resources, and vulnerability to predators.

Do sociology social science would study hunters and gatherers?

Yes, sociology as a social science would likely study hunters and gatherers as part of its exploration of different social groups, cultures, and forms of social organization. Sociology seeks to understand how societies function and how individuals within those societies interact with each other. Hunters and gatherers provide an interesting case study, as their way of life differs significantly from more modern and industrialized societies.

Are there still hunter and gatherers in the world today?

Yes, there are still some groups of people who practice hunting and gathering as their primary means of obtaining food. These groups can be found in remote and less developed regions of the world, such as parts of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia.

Related questions

What is the name of Australia's hunters and gatherers?

These hunters and gathers are called aborigines.

Were the Shoshone hunters or farmers?

hunters and gatherers They were hunter-gatherers

What is the name for the first people on earth?

Adam and eve

Are dart frogs gatherers or hunters?

they are gatherers they gather anything they can so put in gatherers

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Why were earliest people move from one place to another?

They were hunters and gatherers so they moved to get food.

Were they hunters or plant gatherers the Tequestas?


Are Aztecs hunters or gatherers?

no of course they were .................................................. not!

Where the pueblo hunters or gatherers?

They were farmers

Are rhinoceros beetles gatherers or hunters?

they are hunters they eat there prey fast

How did the early people in the Americas get their food?

They were hunter-gatherers and farmers.

Are the seminole hunters and gatherers?

the seminole indans were hunters and the women grew crops