"Afani" does not have a recognized meaning in English or any specific mathematical context for calculating a mean. It is not possible to determine the mean of something without knowing what it represents or refers to.
"Swabhimani" is a Hindi word that can be translated to mean "self-respect" or "pride in oneself." It signifies a sense of dignity and confidence in one's own worth or identity.
Some names that mean survivor include Ziva (Hebrew), Keanu (Hawaiian), and Gawain (Welsh). These names can symbolize strength, resilience, and overcoming challenges.
"Antagonizing" means provoking someone into feeling hostile or confrontational toward you.
If you mean Dude == Man then; Male Homo sapien / homosapien.
you must of typed it wrong because it doesnt come up on my computer on the definition.com sorry :)
Because the white people wanted to eradicate all indeginous people, so they caught the idigenous people and put them into white families so they didn't know who their original family was. That would apparently turn then white because they would reproduce into white families.
I recategorized you Q as there are many types of etiquette in Israel. Jews that keep Kosher, Muslims, and Christians, plus the customs idigenous to the country. Please wait for other contributors to help us out here.
The Indian Act basically took control of most aspects of Indian life. It abrogated the rights of Indians to decide how they would run their governments, and determines where Indians may live in terms of land reserves. It even determines who qualifies as Indian.
The Hamites were a group of ancient peoples who were believed to be descendants of Ham, one of Noah's sons in the Bible. The term "Hamite" has fallen out of favor in modern scholarship due to its association with racist ideologies developed during the colonial era. It is now recognized as a problematic and outdated classification.
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"
The haudensaunee mean irguios
Do you mean ''What does the AUM Mantra mean?''