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The Chumash Men wore nothing. They might wear a cape for a festival every now and then. A chief would wear a cape down to his knees to show importance. The boys in the neighborhood would wear leggings, a large shirt, and sandles. The woman would wear a short skirt and sandles. They would also put paint on their face to show their status in their life.(mariage,single,.....ect.) The girls wolud wear a short tube top and a skirt of fibers. They would wear a sash of singleness when becomeing of age. (13-14) This was to show the young men if she was to be a wife. The chifes family wore elabrite clothing and beads to also show importance.

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The Chumash people used natural materials like animal hides, plant fibers, and shells to make clothing. They also used feathers, beads, and other decorations to adorn their clothing for special occasions.

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Who was responsible for teaching and taking care of the chumash?

The Chumash were traditionally taught and taken care of by the community's elders and religious leaders. These individuals were respected for their wisdom and were tasked with passing down knowledge of the Chumash through oral tradition.

Who made chumash clothing?

Chamash clothing was traditionally made by the Chumash people, who are Native American tribes indigenous to the coastal regions of California. They used materials like tule reeds, bark, and animal skins to create their traditional clothing. Today, there are efforts to revive and preserve Chumash clothing-making techniques and traditions.

How are the chumash and cahuilla alike and how are they different?

The Chumash and Cahuilla are both Native American tribes from California. They share a history of living off the land and have rich cultural traditions. However, they have distinct languages, customs, and traditional territories. The Chumash historically lived along the coast, while the Cahuilla lived inland in the deserts and mountains.

Who made the chumash clothes?

The Chumash people, who are indigenous to southern California, traditionally made their own clothing using materials like animal hides, plant fibers, and shells. They used various techniques such as weaving and decorating with beads, feathers, and other natural resources to create intricate designs and patterns on their garments.

What special clothes did the Chumash wear for ceremonies?

The Chumash people wore special headdresses made of feathers, shells, and beads for ceremonies. They also adorned themselves with shell bead necklaces, abalone shell pendants, and other decorative items. Additionally, men often wore capes made of feathers or pelts for important rituals.

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What were the chumash's gear?

The Chumash used spears and they carved wood to use as knives.

What kinds of weapons did the Chumash use?

The chumash made bowls and plates with wood

How do you say Hello in Chumash?

To say "Hello" in Chumash, you would use the word "Sha'q'al."

Did the chumash use drums?


What weapons did the chumash use?

chumash used bow and arrows and rock knifes for cuting up food .

How did the chumash Indians use the land?


Why did the chumash use boats?

they used it to fish

what transportation did the chumash use?

the anser is bouts

What weapons did the chumash Indians use?

chumash used bow and arrows and rock knifes for cuting up food .

What money did the Chumash use?

The chumash tribe made their own money. They used shells and beads. Ive heard that they even engrave numbers on them

What did the chumash use money for?

The chumash tribe made their own money. They used shells and beads. Ive heard that they even engrave numbers on them

What did Chumash Indians use on land and sea resources?

dont no