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C.What the society valued

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Myths can reveal the values, beliefs, and societal norms of the culture they come from. They often reflect the concerns, aspirations, and fears of the people in that culture, providing insights into their worldview and collective identity. Myths also serve as a means of passing down cultural knowledge and reinforcing traditions within a society.

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Q: What can myths tell about the culture they come from?
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How do Chinese myths relate to American culture?

Chinese myths may inspire creativity and storytelling in American culture through adaptations in literature, movies, and television. They can also serve as a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and filmmakers looking to explore themes of heroism, adventure, and morality in their work. Additionally, Chinese myths can provide a window into a different culture, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation in American society.

What can myths tell about their producing cultures?

Myths can reveal important cultural values, beliefs, and norms of the societies that created them. They often provide insight into the origins of cultural practices, societal structures, and beliefs about the natural world. Myths can also reflect historical events or serve as cautionary tales to convey certain moral or ethical lessons.

Why do different cultures invent myth?

Different cultures invent myths as a way to explain natural phenomena, express cultural values, and provide moral guidance. Myths often serve as a means of passing down traditions and teachings from one generation to another. They can also provide a sense of identity and belonging for members of a particular culture.

What are similarities and differences in creation myths from around the world?

Creation myths from around the world often share the theme of a cosmic egg or primordial chaos from which the world is formed. However, they differ in the specific details, characters, and cultural symbols used to explain the origins of the world and humanity. Each myth reflects the unique beliefs, values, and experiences of the culture that produced it.

What is the relationship of myths and history?

Myths and history are both ways of interpreting the past, but they serve different purposes. History seeks to provide an accurate account of events based on evidence, while myths often incorporate supernatural elements and symbolism to convey important cultural or moral messages. While history focuses on factual accuracy, myths can reveal deeper truths about a society's beliefs, values, and fears.

Related questions

In what area have greek myths influenced your culture?

they have influenced our culture in the areas of agriculture.?

Are myths about colture?

no, myth is not about culture

How do you convince people to come to Korea?

tell them about the food, culture and facts. tell them what it is like

Who wrote the myths?

Myths have been written by many people and cultures. Some come from oral traditons before people could read. Many myths were used to explain things the ancients didn't have answers for in nature and life. Some were for teaching morals and lessons. Today there are urban myths in our culture.

How do the myth of Odysseus and the myth of Percival both quest myths of adventure compare to each other?

They are similar, but each reflects the values of the culture in which they were composed.Yes.The culture in which Homer's Odyssey was composed did not value chivalry in the way that the culture in which the Percival myths were created did.

Why is there not a strong component of chivalry in Homer's Odyssey, as there is in the myths of Percival?

the culture in which homer's odyssey was composed did not value chivalry in the way that the culture in which the percival myths were created did

How are myths and rituals related?

They are both elements of culture. Myths are among the stories a culture tells about itself, while rituals are a class of actions taken by members of that culture. So, Parson Weems' fable about George Washington and the cherry tree is one of the myths of American culture, and having a large festive dinner featuring turkey on the 4th Thursday of November is one of the rituals of American culture. Sometimes, we use myths to explain rituals.

How did myths preserve Greek culture?

dirt helped to preserve the culture. dirt lol

A sentence with myths?

Myths are used to explain the unexplainable and tell stories.

Are myths literature?

Yes, they are. They are the earliest stories that cultures tell in an attempt to explain the world in which they live. For us, thousands of years later, myths are considered to be an early form of that culture's literature, even if they aren't always very complex or sophisticated by our standards.

What are the three reasons for telling myths?

To explain a natural occurrence, like reeds make sound when the wind blows. To show the beliefs of a culture. and to tell stories of heroes.

How does Hollywood tell popular myths?

Popular myths are told in Hollywood through movies.