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An African slave had a choice of masters to serve

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Life as a slave in Africa was not necessarily better than in America. Slavery existed in various forms in both regions, but some African societies had more flexibility and opportunities for enslaved individuals to gain freedom through marriage, adoption, or military service, whereas in America, chattel slavery was more common and restrictive. Additionally, in some African societies, slaves could sometimes hold positions of power or authority, while this was less common in American slavery.

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Q: How was the life of a slave in Africa better than the life of a slave in American?
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What are slave folktales?

Slave folktales are traditional stories passed down orally by African American slaves. These tales often contained elements of humor, cleverness, and resilience in the face of oppression. They served as a form of entertainment, communication, and cultural preservation within the slave community.

How did the Atlantic slave trade benefit the Africans?

The Atlantic slave trade did not benefit Africans. It led to the forced removal of millions of Africans from their homes, families, and communities, resulting in immense suffering, loss of life, and disruption of societies. The slave trade primarily benefited European and American slave traders, plantation owners, and industries that were built on the exploitation of enslaved Africans.

Squanto home and life experiences?

Squanto, a Native American of the Patuxet tribe, was captured and taken to Europe as a slave. He eventually returned to North America and helped the Pilgrims survive by teaching them how to farm and fish. Squanto's life experiences exposed him to different cultures and helped him bridge the gap between the Pilgrims and the Native American tribes.

Who was the first black slave named Chapman?

The first black slave named Chapman was likely brought to the American colonies during the period of European colonization and the transatlantic slave trade, which began in the early 17th century. The specific details of this individual's life and experiences may not be well-documented due to the lack of historical records for many enslaved people.

What is is the life like in Africa before slavery?

Before the transatlantic slave trade, life in Africa was diverse and varied, with different societies, cultures, languages, and economies flourishing. Many African societies were organized into powerful kingdoms and empires, with advanced systems of governance, trade, and agriculture. Communities often valued art, education, and spiritual beliefs, contributing to a rich and dynamic way of life.

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Why did Quakers support settlements of freed slave in Africa?

Quakers supported the settlement of freed slaves in Africa because they believed it would result in a better life for freemen.

Frederick Douglass a runaway slave published a?

A narrative of his life. It is titled " Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave"

What was life like as slave then and how is it now?

better because they have rights now

Who was the African American abolitionist that wrote his autobiography about his life as a slave?

Frederick Douglass

What is the name of Frederick Douglas's autobiography?

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

What was the name of Frederick Douglass' AutoBiography?

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Who wrote a autobiography about is life as a slave?

Frederick Douglass wrote an autobiography about his life as a slave entitled "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave". Douglass was an influential African American abolitionist and social reformer who documented his experiences with slavery and his journey to freedom.

What was the slave trading process like from capture in Africa to slave auctions in DC?

It was a horrible life. Getting whipped, not seeing your family. It was a horrible life being literally beaten by slave masters Look, here's the easiest way to say whatever that ^ was saying.... Your life sucked butt! And that u had no friends k babe?

What area of Africa was least affected by the slave trade?

Southern states/colonies where plantations needed the labor to maintain their life style.

DOES olaudah equianos autobiography describes his African homeland his voyage from Africa to America and the cruelty of slavery and the slave trade?

Yes, Olaudah Equiano's autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano," does describe his African homeland, his voyage from Africa to America, and the cruelty of slavery and the slave trade. He details his experiences being captured in Africa, the Middle Passage, and his time as a slave in various locations, providing a vivid account of the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade.

What was life like as a slave in Africa?

it was hard. they had no rights and respect from white men.white men took and sold slaves to gain money.

Which best describes Frederick Douglass target audience for narrative of the life of Frederick Douglasss an American slave?

White Northerners