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Slavery in Africa was often a byproduct of warfare or as a punishment for criminal behavior, whereas in the colonies it became a system based on race and perpetuated through chattel slavery. Additionally, in Africa, enslaved individuals could often move up in social status and eventually integrate into society, while in the colonies, enslaved individuals were considered property with no legal rights.

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Q: How was slavery as it was practiced in Africa different from the way it was practiced by the colonists?
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How was slavery practiced in Africa?

Slavery in Africa varied across different regions and cultures, but it often involved the capture of individuals through warfare, tribute payment, or as punishment for crimes. Enslaved people were used for agricultural labor, domestic work, and sometimes as soldiers. In some cases, enslaved individuals could improve their social status or be integrated into the slave owner's family.

Why did institution of slavery develop in Africa?

Slavery in Africa predates European involvement, with various reasons such as labor needs, tribal warfare, and social status contributing to its existence. Some African societies practiced slavery as a means of economic production, while others used it as a way to integrate captives into the community or as a form of prestige or power. The transatlantic slave trade later intensified and expanded the institution of slavery in Africa.

Who introduced slavery to the africans?

Slavery existed in Africa before Europeans arrived, with various indigenous societies practicing forms of servitude or slavery. The transatlantic slave trade, which involved the mass forced migration of Africans to the Americas, was initiated and perpetuated by European nations beginning in the 15th century.

What was slavery like in Africa before the europeans arrived?

Slavery in pre-colonial Africa was diverse and varied across different regions. In some societies, slaves were assimilated into the community and could rise to positions of power, while in others they were used for manual labor. Slavery was often a result of warfare, debt, or punishment, and slaves could be traded both within Africa and with neighboring regions.

What statements about west African slavery are most accurate?

West African slavery was a prevalent practice that existed long before the arrival of Europeans in the region. Slavery in West Africa was often different from the transatlantic slave trade, as slaves were not solely used for labor but also held various social and economic roles. The transatlantic slave trade significantly intensified and expanded the scale of slavery in West Africa, leading to profound social, economic, and cultural consequences.

Related questions

How did slavery in west Africa differ from slavery practiced by European settlers?

because it was a different type of slavery.

What was not a result of the slave trade conducted by Europeans in West Africa?

Slavery began to be practiced in Africa.

When was slavery practiced?

Slavery has been practiced for thousands of years, with records of slavery dating back to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The transatlantic slave trade, which forcibly transported Africans to the Americas as slaves, began in the 16th century and was abolished in the 19th century. Today, slavery persists in various forms in different parts of the world, despite being outlawed in most countries.

How was slavery in Africa different from slavery as it developed in the new world?

In Africa, slavery was not always permanent and was not based on heredity. (studyisalnd answers) STUDYISLAND IS AWFUL I FEEL REALLY BAD FOR WHOEVER HAS TO DO IT.

How was slavery practiced in Africa?

Slavery in Africa varied across different regions and cultures, but it often involved the capture of individuals through warfare, tribute payment, or as punishment for crimes. Enslaved people were used for agricultural labor, domestic work, and sometimes as soldiers. In some cases, enslaved individuals could improve their social status or be integrated into the slave owner's family.

How was slavery in West Africa different from later slavery in the Americas?

West African slaves could escape their bondage.

Did the the white people begin slavery?

They did in Europe. Orientals did Asia. Blacks did in Africa. Arabs did in the Middle East. And yes, even the Native Americans of North and South America practiced slavery. It's not a "black and white" thing.

What was and where in Africa was apartheid practiced?

The whole country of South Africa. It was the national policy.

Why did institution of slavery develop in Africa?

Slavery in Africa predates European involvement, with various reasons such as labor needs, tribal warfare, and social status contributing to its existence. Some African societies practiced slavery as a means of economic production, while others used it as a way to integrate captives into the community or as a form of prestige or power. The transatlantic slave trade later intensified and expanded the institution of slavery in Africa.

Where did slavery exist in the world after 1865?

After 1865, slavery continued to exist in various parts of the world, including regions of Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. Additionally, forms of bonded labor and indentured servitude persisted in some areas. The transatlantic slave trade officially ended in the 19th century, but slavery in different forms continued to be practiced in some countries.

How did muslim rulers in africa justify slavery?

Muslim in Africa were big in slavery. Muslims in Africa would trade females to slavery.

Slavery was in?

Slavery has existed in many places for thousands of years and including many different types of ethnic people. Next answer: Slavery has been practiced by many cultures of all races over the millennia. It hasn't always been black slaves with white masters. In fact, slavery was quite common in Africa until very recently, and whites who bought slaves in Africa were buying them from black masters. Even in the United States, not all slaves were black, and not all blacks were slaves. There were white slaves, and free blacks. Even the laws of the period, if you read them, refer not to race but to the status of slavery or freedom.