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first,what is a family? a family is the basic unit of the society while functions are the roles perfomed by the family. there are four basic functions of the family which are 1.procreation. In the traditional times,the main aim of a man and a woman coming together is to procreate(giving birth) but in the modern times,not all men and women who live under the same roof have the aim of procreating....

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Tyreek Lesch

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2y ago
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4mo ago

As societies have modernized, families have shifted from predominantly agricultural and extended family structures to more nuclear and dual-career family units. This has led to changes in the functions of families, with a greater emphasis on emotional support, child-rearing, and achieving work-life balance. Additionally, modern societies have seen an increased focus on individual fulfillment and personal development within the family unit.

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Q: How the function performed by the family have changed as societies have modernized?
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What changed the lifestyle of hunter gatherer?

The development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago changed the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers by allowing societies to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the growth of complex societies. Agriculture also provided a more reliable food source, allowing for population growth and the development of specialized labor.

How did hunter-gatherer societies change?

Hunter-gatherer societies changed over time through factors such as technological advancements, environmental shifts, population growth, and interactions with neighboring groups. These changes led to the development of more complex social structures, new subsistence strategies, and adaptations to different environments. Ultimately, some hunter-gatherer societies transitioned to more settled agricultural lifestyles as they domesticated plants and animals.

What kinds of changes probably encouraged the developed of early hominid societies?

Changes such as climate variability, resource scarcity, and increased competition likely encouraged early hominids to form societies for mutual protection, resource sharing, and cooperation in hunting and gathering. These changes would have favored individuals who could work together in groups to survive and thrive.

The comparative study of past and present cultures?

The comparative study of past and present cultures is known as cultural anthropology. This field examines the behaviors, beliefs, and structures of different societies to understand how they have changed over time. By looking at both historical and contemporary cultures, anthropologists can gain insights into human diversity and the ways in which societies evolve.

What kinds of changes encouraged the development of early hominid societies?

something that encouraged changed in early hominid species was climate change.Tony

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