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Australopithecus africanus likely walked upright on two legs, similar to modern humans, allowing for more efficient movement. This is supported by their pelvic structure and leg bones, which suggest they were adapted for bipedal locomotion. However, they may have also been capable of moving on all fours when needed.

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Q: How did Australopithecus Africanus walk?
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What was the Australopithecus's Africanus diet?

The Australopithecus Africanus were Russovores.

Are there more than 4 australopithecus africanus fossils?

Only four fossils of australopithecus africanus have been found, as yet (2012).

Who discovered Australopithecus africanus?

Raymond Dart

In what kind of habitat did the australopithecus africanus live?

The australopithecus lived in a grassland and savanna of Africa

Were australopithecus africanus hunters?

yes. they hunted animals

Where did australopithecus migrate to?

The First Australopithecus to travel long distance was Africanus. Where it was they moved i don't know.

When was Australopithecus africanus created?

Australopithecus africanus was not "created" in the traditional sense. It was a species that lived in Africa between 3 and 2 million years ago. It is believed to have evolved from earlier Australopithecus species.

Did Australopithecus africanus look like apes?

very much

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[] It was 10%larger than Africanus

What part of the world did the Australopithecus Africanus live in?

All the australopithecines lived in what is now modern day Africa and finds of africanus have been limited to Southern Africa.

What were the behaviors of australopithecus africanus?

The Australopithecus Africanus, ancestors of modern man, behaved similarly to chimpanzees. They lived on land and in trees and were avid hunters. They were social creatures that nurtured their young and had the ability to quickly adapt to changes in climate and environment.

How do you make a 3D model of australopithecus africanus?

Get a 2D model, and add one dimension.