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No one can say for certain but a recent theory has been the evoloutionary development of long term memory development in early human brains. The ability for humans to recognize the patterns of plant growth over a period of months and to associate behaviour was a major evoloutionary advancement. Gatherers had a huge natural selection advantage over hunters as farming can generate far more food using far less energy and without the dangers inherent in hunting large game with primitive weapons.

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People developed from hunter-gatherers into farmers through a process called the Neolithic Revolution, which occurred around 10,000 years ago. This transition was driven by factors such as climate change, population growth, and the desire for a more stable food supply. As people began to domesticate plants and animals, they settled in one place, leading to the development of agriculture and the eventual rise of complex societies.

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Q: How and why did people develop from hunter gatherers into farmers?
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What important skill gave Africa's Bantu-speaking people an advantage over the nomadic hunter-gatherers they displaced?

The Bantu-speaking people's knowledge of agriculture gave them an advantage over the nomadic hunter-gatherers they displaced. The ability to cultivate crops and engage in sedentary farming allowed the Bantu-speaking people to establish permanent settlements and develop more complex societies.

What are hunter gatherers?

Hunter-gatherers are people who rely on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for food as their primary means of sustenance. They typically do not engage in agriculture and live in small, nomadic groups. Hunter-gatherer societies have been present throughout human history and have diverse cultural practices.

What is the difference between environmental refugees and hunter - gatherers?

Environmental refugees are people who are forced to leave their homes due to environmental disasters or degradation, while hunter-gatherers are societies that rely on hunting and gathering for sustenance. The main difference is that environmental refugees are displaced due to external factors, whereas hunter-gatherers choose their nomadic lifestyle as a means of survival.

What does nomadic hunter-gatherers mean?

Nomadic hunter-gatherers are groups of people who move from place to place in search of food and resources. They rely on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for their survival, and have a lifestyle that is characterized by mobility and a lack of permanent settlement.

How did early hunter-gatherers differ from that of people in early agricultural societies?

Early hunter-gatherers lived a nomadic lifestyle, relying on hunting and gathering for food, while early agricultural societies practiced settled farming, domesticating animals and growing crops for sustenance. Agricultural societies tended to develop more complex social structures, technologies, and larger populations than hunter-gatherer groups.

Related questions

How did the early people in the Americas get their food?

They were hunter-gatherers and farmers.

Are hunter gatherers prehistoic people?

Yes, hunter-gatherers were Prehistoric people.

How did the palaeolithic people grow crops?

Humans in Palaeolithic period were hunter gatherers not farmers/crop growers

Why were pre-Neolithic people largely nomadic?

They were not farmers, but were hunter/ gatherers. They moved in order to find food.

Are the Iroquois hunters gatherers or farmers?

the Iroquois are a mix of farmers, gatherers, hunter and fishers though their main diet came from farming. the Iroquois were farming people! it was the women's job to be charge of farming.

Who were the ancient Greek's ancestors?

First came the hunter-gatherers and then the farmers. After farmers, the people on the island of Crete became civilized and thus the Minoans came to existence, becoming the first Ancient Greeks. So basically, the hunter gatherers and farmers who lived in Greece are the Ancient Greeks ancestors.

Is hunter-gatherers a noun?

Yes, the compound word 'hunter-gatherers' is a noun a word for people.

What is the name for a group of people who follow animals they eat?

Hunter-gatherers are groups of people who follow and hunt animals for food.

Is it true that before humans became involved in agriculture most people were hunter gatherers?

Actually, ALL people were hunter/gatherers before agriculture.

People wonder for food is called?

Hunter gatherers.

How do you use hunter gatherers in a sentence?

Hunter gatherers were nomadic people who relied on hunting and foraging for their food. The hunter gatherers in this region followed the migration patterns of animals to ensure a steady food supply. Archaeologists discovered tools and artifacts used by ancient hunter gatherers during their research.

How did the first people in Africa feed themselfs?

They were hunter gatherers.