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Yes, it was an aspect of Aztec society although scholars disagree about the extent.

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11mo ago

Yes, the Aztecs did perform human sacrifices. It was a central part of their religious beliefs and rituals. Sacrifices were performed to honor their gods and ensure the continuation of the world and the prosperity of their civilization.

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Q: Did Aztecs perform human sacrifices
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What happens if the Aztecs don't sacrifice humans?

If the Aztecs did not perform human sacrifices, it is likely that their religious beliefs and societal structure would have evolved differently. Sacrifices played a significant role in their worldview and were seen as necessary for appeasing their gods and maintaining order in the cosmos. Without this ritual practice, the Aztec understanding of their relationship with the divine and the importance of human offerings would have been fundamentally altered.

Why did the Aztecs carry out human sacrifices?

The Aztecs believed that sacrificing humans to the gods was essential to ensure fertility, agricultural success, and protection from disasters. They believed that blood sacrifices were a way to repay the debt owed to the gods for creating the world and sustaining life. Additionally, they thought that human sacrifice helped maintain the cosmic balance between the physical and spiritual realms.

What did the Aztecs do after they sacrificed humans?

After human sacrifices, Aztecs conducted rituals to honor the gods and appease them. They believed that sacrificing humans ensured the sun's rising each day and maintained cosmic order. The sacrificial act was considered crucial for their society's well-being and prosperity.

Did the Aztecs practice human sacrifice?

In an effort to postpone the day of have the sun come up the next day.( they thought otheriwse it would not rise)

Why do the Aztecs engage in human sacrifice?

The Aztecs believed that sacrificing humans would satisfy the gods and ensure their continued protection, prosperity, and balance in the world. Human sacrifice was seen as necessary for the well-being of society, including to ensure agricultural fertility and success in warfare. It was also a way for the ruling elite to maintain power and control over the population.