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contrast woodland indians of the north and south

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Woodland Indians in the North typically wore clothing made from thick, warm materials like furs and hides to withstand cold weather. In contrast, Woodland Indians in the South wore lighter, more breathable clothing made from plants like cotton or woven fibers to cope with the warmer climate. Both groups used intricate beadwork and decorative elements in their clothing for cultural expression.

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Sabrina Willis

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Q: Cotrast the differences in clothing for woodland Indians in the north and in the south?
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Facts about eastern woodland Indians?

Eastern Woodland Indians were a diverse group of Native American tribes that lived in the eastern part of North America prior to European colonization. They relied on agriculture, hunting, and fishing for their subsistence. They lived in longhouses and practiced a variety of spiritual beliefs and cultural practices.

What kind of clothing did the Atakapa Indians wear?

The Atakapa Indians wore clothing made from animal skins, such as deerskin or buffalo hides. They would also make garments from woven plant fibers like palmetto leaves, and often decorated their clothing with beads, shells, and feathers. The style and type of clothing varied depending on the season and the specific activities they were engaged in.

What kind of clothing did great basin Indians wear?

Great Basin Indians wore clothing made from animal hides such as buckskin. They relied on a variety of garments including shirts, leggings, and moccasins. These clothes were often decorated with beads, quills, and shells.

What did the American Indians wear for clothing?

American Indians wore clothing made from natural materials like animal hides, furs, feathers, and plant fibers. They often decorated their clothing with beadwork, quillwork, and other intricate designs that held cultural significance. The type of clothing varied among different tribes based on their environment, traditions, and available resources.

Did plain Indians have different clothing for different seasons?

Yes, Plains Indians had different clothing for different seasons. In colder months, they wore garments made from animal hides or fur, like buffalo robes and leggings, to stay warm. In warmer weather, they would wear lighter clothing, such as breechcloths and moccasins, to stay cool and comfortable.

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What did animals provide to the eastern woodland Indians?

Food and clothing

What did the pictures of Eastern woodland Indians clothing look like?

nothing we where today

What was the woodland Indians clothing made of?

Generally, tanned hides provided the majority of clothing for the Woodland Indians. Deer hides were most used for everyday clothing. In the winter, robes made from bear and beaver kept them warm. Moosehide moccasins also were made. Of course, each tribe would vary that according to exactly what was available in their location

What did woodland Indians live in?

Woodland Indians lived in wigwams and longhouses

What did the Woodland Indians believe?

SpiritsThe Woodland Indians believed in spirits.

What did the eastern woodland Indians wear?

Eastern Woodland Indians wore clothing made from animal hides and furs such as deerskin or rabbit fur. Their garments included breechcloths, moccasins, and tunics decorated with beads, quills, and porcupine hair. In colder weather, they added layers of clothing and sometimes wore buffalo robes.

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Are the eastern woodland Indians and the Iroquois Indians the same?

Not exactly you see, the Iroquois is a small group of tribes inside the whole subgroup of the eastern woodland Indians