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People did not evolve from monkeys. This is not the belief of creationists or evolutionists. Claims that people evolved from monkeys come from a popular misconception and oversimplification of the theories of human origins developed from the fossil record.

Creationist belief on the origin of man:

Monkeys are part of God's creation, just like people. It says in Genesis 2:7, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (New King James Version [NKJV]) Unlike evolutionary theory, there is no scientific evidence for creationism.

Evolutionist belief on the origin of man:

Humans are evolved from an ape-like ancestor. The evolutionary paths of man, monkeys, and other modern primates split millions of years before any of these species as we know them today existed. Our evolutionary predecessors are extinct, but these species, notably members of the genus Australopithecus are believed to be much more closely related to us than monkeys.

The exact details of the evolutionary line of humans is still debated, but monkeys are not on it.

Evolution and the world:

Nearly the entire scientific community of the world believes in Darwin's theory of Evolution, It is taught in nearly all western schools and in most middle eastern schools and nearly all Asian schools, except perhaps for religious schools. Pope John Paul II even accepted the theory of evolution although God was involved in the process.

Further information on human origins can be found in the related links below.

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14y ago
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2mo ago

Humans and monkeys share a common ancestor but are not the same. Humans belong to the species Homo sapiens, while monkeys are a separate group of animals with their own distinct characteristics and behaviors.

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15y ago

No. Evolution neither shows nor claims that human beings evolved from monkeys.

Monkeys (more accurately, the class of primates known as 'the great apes') and human beings evolved from a common ancestor.

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15y ago

No. We are not descended from monkeys. Genetists and paleoanthropologists say that the common ancestor, that we do share with chimpanzees, lived around 7 million years ago. However neither chimpanzees nor monkeys evolved until millions of years later.

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12y ago

According to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, all humans, including you, are descended from primates like monkeys.

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11y ago


Humans are apes.

Apes and monkeys are two separate species.

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Why did god evolve monkeys into humans?

Many scientists believe that humans and monkeys share a common ancestor, but it was not an intentional evolution by a god. Evolution is a natural process driven by genetic variations and environmental factors over millions of years.

What will be the chance of human evolution in the absence of monkey?

None. Humans are per definition both the descendants of monkeys and monkeys themselves. Had monkeys not evolved, then man could not have evolved, anymore than a grandson can exist whose grandparents did not.

Did humans evolve from a monkey?

Humans did not evolve directly from monkeys. Instead, humans and monkeys share a common ancestor from millions of years ago. Both humans and modern monkeys have evolved separately from this common ancestor.

How do people help monkeys?

People can help monkeys by protecting their natural habitats, avoiding feeding them human food, not keeping them as pets, and supporting conservation efforts and initiatives that aim to protect and conserve monkey species. Additionally, educating others about the importance of preserving these animals in the wild can also help promote their well-being.

One of the great differences between human cultural behavior and that of monkeys and apes is that?

human cultural behavior is much more complex and diverse. Humans have the ability to create and transmit culture through language and symbolic systems, whereas monkeys and apes primarily rely on instinct and simple learned behaviors. Humans also have the capacity for cumulative culture, where knowledge and innovations build upon one another over time.

Related questions

Are monkeys really humans?

Monkeys were never humans. Now on the other hand chimps were. HAHAHA JUST KIDDING! Monkeys are not humans. Case closed.

Are monkeys and humans from the same family?

Yes monkeys are in the same family as humans in fact all mammals are related to humans

Are monkeys really just ugly people?

No, people are actually just ugly monkeys. It depends on your point of view. Monkeys and humans are both considered members of the order of primates so are related. Some monkeys share about 98-99% of the same DNA as humans so are closely related.

Are chimpanzee's apes or monkeys?

chimpanzees are monkeys no, chimpanzees are apes and not monkeys

Do monkeys like bananas or is it just a myth?

Monkeys actually do like bananas.

What are the monkeys babies called?

Baby spider monkeys are called infants or just baby spider monkeys.

Are monkies just like humans?

Just like - No. But there are a lot of similarities. Monkeys are not even like monkeys -- there are many different types.

How are the monkeys young born?

Monkeys are mammals just like humans and they give birth to live young.

Do Rhesus Monkeys have paired legs?

Just like Humans, Rhesus monkeys have arms and legs.

How many animals live in Vietnam?

Heaps because what we call humans are actually monkeys

What are humans and monkeys?

Both monkeys and humans are considered primates.

How do female monkeys produce babies?

Just the same way humans do.