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Q: Would cattle be a renewable or nonrenewable resource?
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Are citrus trees a renewable resource?

Oranges are a fruit that is grown, and are renewable. I don't know if I would call fruit a resource, though.

Are pearls nonrenewable or renewable?

Pearls are constantly being formed. They would be a renewable resource as they can be grown.

Would nuclear fusion be a nonrenewable or renewable source?

It would technically be a nonrenewable resource, because the elements we use (uranium) will eventually run out.

Is a pig a nonrenewable resource or a renewable resource?

Renewable. They keep reproducing at a rapid rate. Nonrenewable would be a dinosaur since they are extinct and no longer reproduce.

Is grass a renewable or nonrenewable resource?

grass is a renewable resource because when it is dead, it will grow again and again Well... dormant would be more accurate. Otherwise, I agree it is renewable.

Is iron ore nonrenewable renewable or inexhaustible?

Iron ore is considered nonrenewable because it is a finite resource that is extracted from the earth. While new iron ore deposits can be discovered, they are not being replenished at a rate that would make them renewable or inexhaustible in human timescales.

Are fossil fuels renewable or nonrenewable resources?

Fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable as they are the product of living things that died in the distant past.

What is the difference between a renewable and nonrenewable resource?

Renewable resources are resources that renew themselves like animals. They give birth to a new animal, then it keeps on going so animals are always going to be here.Non renewable resources are things that cant renew themselves and might run out.A:There is a little confusion over "renewable resource" and "renewable source of energy". All renewable sources of energy are also renewable resources. Water can become an energy called hydroelectricity. Water is a renewable resource as it keeps coming back, as long as rain keeps falling on the country. It runs into the dams, into our houses and then out again down to the sea, where it is evaporated up into the rain-clouds. A renewable resource is always there and will never run out. It keeps renewing itself. Like sunshine, wind, power from the ocean waves, and geothermal energy (heat from deep under the ground).Water is renewable because it comes back again in the form of rain, but if a country is in drought, then water there is not renewable.Timber is renewable if it comes from plantation forests, but not if it comes from rainforests.Crops and animals are renewable so long as there is water and food and the right climate for them.Biofuel like ethanol is renewable as long as we can grow the vegetation to produce it.A non-renewable resource is something that we are using up, and at some time there will be none left worth harvesting. Once you use it, it's gone.Because fossil fuels take millions of years to accumulate (and may never accumulate again), they are not considered renewable.A:Fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas (all made from dead animals and vegetation remains from millions of years ago) take hundreds of millions of years to be made. At our current rate of use, they will run out because they are being used up far too quickly. Oil is already in short supply. Metals like aluminum and iron and steel are non-renewable if we dig them out of the ground, but renewable if we recycle them.A:Renewable resources may be replenished and theoretically used indefinitely if used at a rate consistent with the rate at which the resource can be replenished. Examples include solar, wind, and water energy, and other resources that may be regrown such as timber or livestock. Every day, the sun comes up and its energy may be used - no matter how much of its energy you use today, it will still be there tomorrow. Over time, and under the right conditions, forests regrow and timber can be sustainably harvested indefinitely. A:Renewable means it can be used again; recycled (such as paper). Non-renewable means that it cannot be used again (such as gasoline). The US is dependent on non-renewable resources but Australia is not far off either. A:renewable: Resources which can be used year after year, like forests and water, they can renew themselves quickly. Solar energy is another example. The rate of consumption does not exceed the rate of renewability. Renewable natural resources can be used again and again.non-renewable:Resources like minerals which get exhausted. They can't renew themselves. There is a limit to their availability to the world. After that time we won't find any more minerals.A:Non renewable natural resources can not be used again. A:Renewable energy sources can be used repeatedly (geo-thermal, solar, hydro). Non-renewable sources can only be used once (all fossil fuels e.g. coal, natural gas, any other hydrocarbons) A: Non-renewable resource is something that we are using up, and at some time there will be none left. One kind of non-renewable resources is fossil fuels. Fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas (all made from dead animals and vegetation remains from millions of years ago) take hundreds of millions of years to be made. There is a limit to their connection to the world. After that time we won't find any more. At this moment, fossil fuel will run out because they are being used up to quickly. Oil is already in short supply. Renewable Resources which can be used year after year, it can be used again and again; like forest, water and solar energy they can renew themselves quickly. It's just like recycling, paper. Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, waves etc.There is a little confusion over "renewable resource" and "renewable source of energy". All renewable sources of energy are also renewable resources. Water can become an energy called hydroelectricity. Water is a renewable resource as it keeps coming back, as long as rain keeps falling on the country. It runs into the dams, into our houses and then out again down to the sea, where it is evaporated up into the rain-clouds. A renewable resource is always there and will never run out. It keeps renewing itself.Like sunshine, wind, power from the ocean waves, and geothermal energy (heat from deep under the ground).Water is renewable because it comes back again in the form of rain, but if a country is in drought, then water there is not renewable.Timber is renewable if it comes from plantation forests, but not if it comes from rainforests.Crops and animals are renewable so long as there is water and food and the right climate for them.Biofuel like ethanol is renewable as long as we can grow the vegetation to produce it.A non-renewable resource is something that we are using up, and at some time there will be none left worth harvesting. Once you use it, it's gone.Because fossil fuels take millions of years to accumulate (and may never accumulate again), they are not considered renewable.Fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas (all made from dead animals and vegetation remains from millions of years ago) take hundreds of millions of years to be made. At our current rate of use, they will run out because they are being used up far too quickly.Oil is already in short supply. Metals like aluminum and iron and steel are non-renewable if we dig them out of the ground, but renewable if we recycle them.Renewable resources may be replenished and theoretically used indefinitely if used at a rate consistent with the rate at which the resource can be replenished. Examples include solar, wind, and water energy, and other resources that may be regrown such as timber or livestock. Every day, the sun comes up and its energy may be used - no matter how much of its energy you use today, it will still be there tomorrow. Over time, and under the right conditions, forests regrow and timber can be sustainably harvested indefinitely.Renewable means it can be used again; recycled (such as paper). Non-renewable means that it cannot be used again (such as gasoline). The US is dependent on non-renewable resources but australia is not far off either.renewable means once you've used it, you can use it again and again and again,non-renewable means once you've used it once, its gone. you cant use it again.Renewable means that the resource can grow back and non-renewable can't grow back..Non-renewable energy - coal, gas and oil - burn releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which can cause global warming. These energies are also known as 'Fossil Fuels' as there are only a certain amount of these left; in other words, they will run out.Renewable energy such as solar power, wind turbines and hydroelectric dams produce energy which won't run out by harnessing sources of which are around us, e.g. solar panels use solar energy (energy from the sun). They mostly use kinetic energy to spin a generator which creates electricity.People now see it is important for people to switch from non-renewable to renewable as non-renewable will soon run out, and it also damages the planet.Renewable resources(solar energy,wind energy,etc.) are those which can be used repeatedly without the fear of extinction,but non-renewable resources(coal,etc.) can be used once only.

Is oil a non renewable resource a renewable resource or a inexhaustible resource?

Oil, the fossil fuel, is a non-renewable resource on human time scales. Vegetable oil is a renewable resource. An inexhaustible resource would be sunlight and a renewable resource would be wind energy and solar energy.

Are minerals renewable resources or nonrenewable resource?

many people consider minerals are not renewable resources, yes it is, but actually minerals also consider renewable. why??? minerals can take thousands of years to be renewed again since it is formed by the remains of dead living organisms and have taken thousands of years to be formed, so by that if minerals are used it would take thousands of years to renew it's self. also that make it nonrenewable resource because as you know take thousands of years to be used again

How might a renewable energy source become nonrenewable?

A renewable energy source can become nonrenewable if its rate of extraction exceeds its rate of replenishment, leading to depletion. Additionally, environmental factors such as habitat destruction or climate change can impact the availability of renewable resources, making them effectively nonrenewable in practice.

What is nonrenewable and renewable?

renewable is a way of saying something is reusable, nonrenewable is not reusable renewable means that the resource or object will replenish itself often or as fast as we use it up. for instance a tree would be a renewable resource because it grows inour lifetime it does't grow very fast to us but compared to coal it grows very fast. nonrenewable means that it does not replenish itself quickly or doesn't at all so for instance coal takes thousands of years to form and you will never see it start to finish unless you live for thousands of millions of years.