Because, sadly, people dont care anymore. :(
By law, they are to report the incident, or most of the time a suspicion of the incident, to local authorities. However, if they dont suspect anything, then they cant do anything.
CPS (child protective services) or go to the kids teacher, counselor ect. they will know what to do its also part of their job although many people dont know that
its not fair that only members of this website can improve the answer or report abuse! then only if we want to answer then dont need to log in
=some people dont like animals they like to abuse them instead.=
Theres no real answer why people abuse animals but if it is depression ..., witch i dont think it is. They should't take it out on there animals because that's not going to stop it.
well..... i dont really know ,but i think the answer is peanut butter :)(dont report abuse please!)
People that abuse animals have a mental promblem or somthing. They probably get pissed or something and take out their anrgy on animals.
you dont be like that to people just like you treat others just like the way you want to be treated
stay away from chat rooms dont reply to people you dont know and tell the company by reporting abuse or tell a adult you trust
no dont think that!
they will cancel your school if there is cases of it but you dont have to worry about that anymore but if u still are dont get to close to people and dont touch them and wash your hands a lot :)