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it is animal cruelty, just people have done it for so long and many believe that by doing so is not too bad, such as killing a spider, or a bird for hunting.. but i personally think it is animal cruelty and should not be done.

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Q: Why is it not animal cruelty to put lobsters in boiling water while they are still alive?
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she's a big animal rights activists; she was really against the boiling of lobsters because it's a cruel way of killing, since they tend to be alive when put in the boiling water

Do lobsters poop when they're cooked?

Some people would say that lobsters do make a "squealing" noise when cooking if they were alive. There have been personal experiences when lobsters did scream when I have put them into a boiling pot of water.

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People working for animal protection may not encourage sericulture because the process involves rearing silkworms, which are boiled alive to extract the silk. They believe this harms and causes suffering to the silkworms, conflicting with their goal of preventing animal cruelty. Additionally, some animal protection advocates may promote alternative, cruelty-free fabrics to reduce the demand for silk production.

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what do you mean what are the risks?? i hope to god you aren't abusing anything alive, or dead for that matter! the risks would be confiscation of the animal, heavy fines and/or imprisonment.

How long do lobsters live if humans don't catch them?

they would still be alive

My husband puchased three lobsters yesterday and then put them in fresh cold water overnight. They died overnight Are they still ok to cook and eat today?

Yes, they are ok to eat, but probably will not taste very good. Lobsters have an enzyme in their muscles that causes the meat to become mushy over time, Maine lobsters must be eaten immediately after they die, and ideally placed in a pot of boiling water while still alive. Florida lobster should be frozen or refrigerated once they die, with their heads removed of course. Lobsters which are dead and are not frozen or refrigerated can go bad and should not be eaten.

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The fastest alive land animal is the cheetah. The fastest alive water animal is the sailfish. The fastest in air is the peregrine falcon. :)

Is I'm Alive still on Animal Planet?

Yes, I I'm Alive and I Shouldn't Be Alive is still on Animal Planet.

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A plant is alive...But it is not an animal

Why has silk come under fire from animal rights activists why?

The cocoons of the silk worms are submerged, still alive, mind you, in boiling water so the silk can be extracted. I have seen it on tv before. When the cocoons are put into the boiling water, they start jumping around trying to escape.

What is the lobsters main colors?

When it's alive, it's a navy grayish colour. But when its cooked its a bright orange/red colour.

Why is the production of silk objected to by animal right activists?

Silk is obtained by painfully boiling silkworms alive.