About 75% of France's population can be found in the cities and not the farms. The cost of living keeps rising and with many land regulations more people live in the city.
the south had more farms because they had more slaves.the more slaves the bigger your farm gets and you dont pay your workers because you dont have to and you own them and they had a better climate unlike the north.
most people in tajikistan live in farms.
Farms i think :)
more people moved to the farms
More people live in cities than farms. The trend of urbanization has led to a majority of the global population residing in urban areas due to factors such as job opportunities, better infrastructure, and access to services and amenities.
As farming came more productive, more people were able to leave the farms and to the city.
More people in China live in cities compared to farms. The urban population in China has been steadily increasing due to rapid urbanization and economic development. As of now, the majority of the population resides in urban areas, with around 60% living in cities.
people dont get poisoned. = more $$$$$. people dont get poisoned. = more $$$$$.
Cities, like in most of Europe.
89% of people in the UK live in urban areas, so only 11% would live on farms (2007 figures UN data)
You can but, if people dont want to do stuff about the environment they dont have to